A characteristic of meaningful learning within the TIM framework that describes how students actively create knowledge by discovering, processing, and applying their learning.
Published in Chapter:
A Framework for Defining and Evaluating Technology Integration in the Instruction of Real-World Skills
J. Christine Harmes (Assessment Consultant, USA), James L. Welsh (University of South Florida, USA), and Roy J. Winkelman (University of South Florida, USA)
Copyright: © 2016
|Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9441-5.ch006
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) was created to provide a resource for evaluating technology integration in K-12 instructional settings, and as a tool for helping to target teacher-related professional development. The TIM is comprised of 5 characteristics of meaningful learning (Active, Constructive, Authentic, Collaborative, and Goal-Directed) and 5 levels (Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Infusion, and Transformation), resulting in 25 cells. Within each cell, descriptions are provided, along with video sample lessons from actual math, science, social studies, and language arts classrooms that illustrate a characteristic at the indicated level. Throughout development, focus groups and interviews were conducted with in-service teachers and technology specialists to validate the progression of characteristics and descriptive components.