A configurable web app with full visualization and handling of layers, charts, figures, statistics, time series and so on, intended to follow up the evolution of COVID19 pandemics, either at a local level and for some cases, at a global level.
Published in Chapter:
GIS, Positioning, and Imagery Tools: Case Analysis in Tracking COVID -19
Helmuth Yesid Arias-Gomez (Institute of Economic Studies, Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic) and Gabriela Antošová (Masaryk Institute of Advanced Studies, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic)
Copyright: © 2022
|Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8339-5.ch007
The catastrophic eruption in the world scenario of the breaking pandemic forced the application of all existent scientific knowledge, but also triggered the development of new technical tools and procedures. This chapter is focused on setting forth the practical technological efforts based on the spatial georeferencing by coordinate systems and on the treatment of satellite images as means for tracking the positive cases, for recognizing the spatial infection´s behavior, and for identifying the real physical changes in the spatial landscape. The cases set forth here pertain to three techniques, namely the development of visual dashboards, the tracking resources developed, and the deployment of imagery captured by satellite perception.