This is a set of properties of database transactions. It is a term from database theory and describes rules and procedures for data transactions.
Published in Chapter:
Fundamental Concepts of Cloud Computing
Copyright: © 2024
|Pages: 43
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0900-1.ch001
Cloud computing has transformed corporate and consumer lives. Cloud computing may save startups and businesses money and improve services. Independent developers may build global apps and services, share, and analyze data at scales formerly reserved for well-funded projects. Internet users may quickly create, share, and preserve digital content beyond their devices' computing capabilities. The cloud provider owns and maintains computer resources in cloud computing. Browser-based apps like Netflix, third-party data storage for images and other digital files like iCloud or Dropbox, and third-party servers used to support a company, research, or personal project's computer architecture are examples of such resources. This chapter discusses many topics related to cloud computing, such as: Cloud computing term, entities, technologies, delivery models, environments, and platforms, advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing, benefits of cloud computing, using cloud computing, risks and security concerns, cloud computing ethics, challenges, and costs, and research directions.