Gives the total value of goods and services produced in a specific time frame, usually a year. It is a popular indicator in the economic sphere but does not apply in the social sphere.
Published in Chapter:
Interplay Consequences of COVID-19 on Global Environmental Sustainability
Mir Sayed Shah Danish (University of the Ryukyus, Japan),
Tomonobu Shah Senjyu (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), Najib Rahman Sabory (University of the Ryukyus, Japan), and Alexey Mikhaylov (Financial University Under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia)
Copyright: © 2022
|Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9502-2.ch003
This chapter outlines the essentials of COVID-19 and its relation to environmental mitigation. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the ranking concern of climate change distress, and it is ranking as the first global priority to be adequately tackled. However, the pandemic demonstrates with economic, social, and cultural constraints. Still, climate change and environmental pollution have been ignored as the utmost precaution while their impact is more severe in the long run. This chapter evaluates available opportunities for environmental sustainability in the pandemic era. At the same time, the most significant aspect of solid waste, especially clinical waste, is critical for limiting pandemics and preventing future consequences of improper waste management. Sustainable production relies on criteria that ensure affordability, accessibility, use efficiency, safety, disparity, and other factors of production, supply, distribution, and consumption that are efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly.