A specific type of tourism relating to tourist activities occurring within the heritage sector, such as museums, heritage attractions, or heritage sites.
Published in Chapter:
Storytelling and Experience Design in Heritage Tourism
Meghan Claire Beevor (Faculty of Economics, University of Algarve, Portugal), Ana Cláudia Campos (CinTurs, University of Algarve, Portugal), and Maria Manuela Guerreiro (Faculty of Economics, CinTurs, University of Algarve, Portugal)
Copyright: © 2022
|Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3436-9.ch001
Stories have long been a central component to the interpretation of people, culture, and place. Recent research has substantiated the importance of storytelling in heritage tourism settings; however, few studies have provided an overview of storytelling in heritage experience design. This has left academics and service providers alike with little to no guidance as to how to effectively utilize storytelling in their experience offering. This chapter serves to synthetize what is known on the topic of storytelling in heritage experience design. It will explore the relevance of storytelling and experience design in the context of new museology, give an overview of pre-existing frameworks on the subject, and offer a critical analysis highlighting informational gaps and areas of expansion. Beyond guided tours, interpretative signs, and guidebooks, one thing is clear: if they are to facilitate experiences that are more memorable, engaging, and interactive, heritage attractions must utilize storytelling as a design tool.