Encouragement of another person to commit a crime. Depending on the jurisdiction, some or all types of incitement may be illegal. Where illegal, it is known as an inchoate offense, where harm is intended but may or may have actually occurred.
Published in Chapter:
A Critical Appraisal of Crime Over Social Networking Sites in the Context of India: Social Networking Sites
Unanza Gulzar (School of Law, NorthCap University, India)
Copyright: © 2020
|Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1041-4.ch006
An inescapable part of our everyday lives, visual communication is a key driver of engagement on social media. These are redesigned their news feed to allow greater emphasis on visual content, resulting in greater interaction. This chapter discusses the current scenario of cyber and social media crime in India and how the government has incorporated the necessities to fight against it. It will also include the types of social media crime enumerating the provisions of Information Technology Act, Indian Penal Code. Through this chapter, the author discusses the various types of cybercrimes, which are cyber defamation, cyber pornography, cyber stalking, fraudulent transaction and misrepresentation, hacking. The author laid emphasis on what legislations are in action to deal with such crimes and how strictly the offenders are punished. The author also discusses the competency of the present legislation and how the loopholes, if any, can be filled to make the virtual world a better place for everyone.