A habit, a preparation, a state of readiness, or a tendency to act in a specified way.
Published in Chapter:
Personal Knowledge Management Skills for Lifelong-Learners 2.0
M. C. Pettenati (University of Florence, Italy), M. E. Cigognini (University of Florence, Italy), E. M.C. Guerin (University of Florence, Italy), and G. R. Mangione (University of Florence, Italy)
Copyright: © 2009
|Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-208-4.ch021
In this chapter the authors identify the Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) pre-dispositions, skills and competences of the current effective lifelong-learner 2.0. They derive a PKM-skills model centred on a division into basic PKM competences, associated with social software Web practices of create-organize- share, and Higher-Order skills (HO-skills), which identify enabling conditions and competences which favour the advanced management of one’s personal knowledge (PK). To derive the PKM-skills model we addressed a survey to 16 interviewees who can be defined as expert lifelong-learners 2.0. The HO-skills branch out into four macro competences, identified as connectedness, ability to balance formal and informal contexts, critical ability and creativity.