These abilities are related to being capable to interact in the collective, it may be a group, a team, informal and formal. These skills include listening, greeting, thanking, asking please, expressing thanks, apologizing, waiting one’s turn, cooperating, maintaining an attitude open to dialogue. These skills are the infrastructure of social intelligence and allow to manage, understand and balance the social system. It develops the person and his relationship with others, balancing the relational and social systems and becomes an immaterial social capital, sometimes referred to as social intelligence. This intelligence is a mechanism for improving social problems. Social skills are structuring for the new economy that is concerned with social issues and with the attunement of life as a “whole.” They are based on axioms of harmony and cooperation and consider that the processes of formation do not serve the principles of accumulation of information, but rather the development of life skills and their sustainability. They capitalize on individual, group and organizational performance, because they aim at unity and synchronicity. They seek to give life to the characteristics of acceptance and respect for the person as a whole. It also seeks to integrate people's knowledge into the processes of relationships and productive processes, not forgetting the environment and the community where it is inserted. With social skills, people are more empathic, more flexible, more caring and more responsible. They combine personal responsibility with social responsibility and aim to improve well-being, active, participatory, critical, responsible and committed citizenship. They help achieve balance, make better decisions, respect efficiency and raise emotional, social and personal well-being. In this sense, the social skills deliver deeply felt experiences for human existence, because it gives life to the spiritual realm, which considers that man is composed of body, mind, spirit and transcendence.