A special type of Augmented Reality technology where the combination of virtual and real objects is produced by projecting virtual images onto real objects using projection mapping. Hence, display monitors, head-mounted displays or hand-held devices are not typically used in this type of AR.
Published in Chapter:
Virtual and Augmented Reality for the Visualization of Summarized Information in Smart Cities: A Use Case for the City of Dubai
Sergio Casas (Universitat de València, Spain), Jesús Gimeno (Universitat de València, Spain), Pablo Casanova-Salas (Universitat de València, Spain), José V. Riera (Universitat de València, Spain), and Cristina Portalés (Universitat de València, Spain)
Copyright: © 2020
|Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2112-0.ch015
In this chapter, authors deal with the problem of visualizing summarized information in a complex system like a smart city. They introduce the topic of smart city in the context of the information revolution that is taking place in the world. Next, they review how this information can be visualized, highlighting immersive 3D methods such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), which are particularly suitable for these applications, since 2D information does not usually induce a focused and sustained attention. The chapter describes and shows a use case in which VR and Spatial AR (SAR) are used in a smart city system to visualize summarized information about the state and management of the city. The SAR system relies on a multi-projector mapping procedure, and therefore authors also explain the technical details that the calibration and implementation of this type of AR application requires.