The scholarly activities of a school or university, of or relating to a college, academy, school or higher education institution, especially one for higher education.
Published in Chapter:
Student Competence: Approach to Study and Research in Virtual and Real Educational Environment
Vardan Mkrttchian (HHH University, Australia), Spartak Gevorgian (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden), Samvel Shoukourian (Yerevan State University, Armenia), Ferdinand Gasparyan (Yerevan State University, Armenia), Ruben Vardanyan (National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Armenia), Arshak Poghossian (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany), and Vladik Avetisov (Higher School of Economics, Russia)
Copyright: © 2018
|Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3485-3.ch001
Student competence includes process of the organization, transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills of activity. Educational processes (or otherwise, training process) are connected with development of training in time and space and mean consecutive system of actions. Traditionally, research and study process of training is connected with transfer of knowledge by the teacher to the pupil (or to the trainee). The course of training, since ancient times, began to apply various supportive applications promoting acceleration, strengthening of understanding. In modern times, the process of training became impossible without use of computer equipment. It led to emergence of a new paradigm of educational process – electronic education, which is realized in the form of distance education. This chapter 7 students', from National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Faculty of Engineering Cybernetic, =scientific competence in study period from 1967-1972.