They occur in the post-surgical stage and consist of monitoring the patient’s recovery after a surgical intervention and until he is fit to be discharged.
Published in Chapter:
Application of Virtual/Augmented Reality in Surgical Procedures: Bibliographical Review in Recent Developments
Israel Barrutia Barreto (Innova Scientific, Peru), Fabrizio Del Carpio Delgado (National University of Moquegua, Peru), Dometila Mamani Jilaja (Altiplano National University, Peru), Gino Frank Laque Córdova (Altiplano National University, Peru), and Renzo Antonio Seminario Córdova (Innova Scientific, Peru)
Copyright: © 2022
|Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8371-5.ch007
This chapter seeks to explore from the reflexivity approach the current state of virtual and augmented technologies in various surgical procedures, analyzing the most relevant technological progress as well as the latest practical applications that have been developed. Bibliographic, documentary, and descriptive were the methodologies of research; the information was collected from various scientific articles from indexed journals and websites, using keywords such as “virtual reality,” “augmented reality,” and “surgical procedure” in search engines. Furthermore, technological progress in various branches that include surgery is explored in this chapter, which is focused on the research and technology application of virtual and augmented reality as well as the challenges.