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What is Tacit Knowledge

Handbook of Research on Global Competitive Advantage through Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Experience- and intuition-based internalised knowledge that is held by every individual and that can be difficult to transfer in written or oral form.
Published in Chapter:
From Competitive Agility to Competitive Leapfrogging: Responding to the Fast Pace of Change
Tabani Ndlovu (Nottingham Business School, UK) and Anastasia Mariussen (Oslo School of Management, Norway)
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8348-8.ch001
While there is consensus that sustainable competitive advantage is key for organisational survival, the source of such advantage has been attributed to a number of disparate areas. Some scholars have suggested that human and financial resources as well as Research and Development (R&D) activities improve organisations' competitiveness. Others have argued that firms need to focus on competitive agility and the speed with which they respond to their marketing environments. This chapter makes two controversial propositions. First, it postulates that much of what used to be sources of competitive advantage (e.g., stable employment environments, low turnover) can now in fact be what makes organisations stale and uncompetitive. Second, it puts forth a notion of competitive leapfrogging and argues that an important source of competitive advantage is the ability to bypass competition either by skipping the stages in the development paths of the forerunners or by taking significant leaps forward and embracing futuristic concepts.
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Issues and Challenges in Enterprise Social Media
Knowledge that results from internalized information and experiences and is difficult to explicate in a formal way.
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Social Networking and Knowledge Sharing in Organizations
The knowledge which is acquired by experience and practice, often difficult to explicate.
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Sharing Tacit Knowledge: The Essence of Knowledge Management
Tacit knowledge is that knowledge that resides in the human brain. It is the experience, intelligence, and know-how of the people in the organization. Unlike explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge cannot be documented easily or expressed in explicit form, and hence, it is tough to share tacit knowledge with others. Tacit knowledge could be gathered from observation and experience.
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Knowledge Architecture and Knowledge Flows
Knowledge that is embedded in the mind of the person who has acquired it.
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Growing the eLIDA CAMEL Community of Practice Case Study
Informal knowledge of practice or ‘know-how’, involving deep levels of uncodified knowledge that it is difficult to verbalise comprehensively or otherwise communicate explicitly to others, except, for example, through gradual processes of demonstration.
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Customer Experiential Knowledge's Contribution to Innovation Management: Toward the Definition of a New Organizational Competence
It is a deeply embedded and subjective knowledge. It exists both on the individual and the organizational level and its acquisition depends widely on its level of hardness. Example of tacit domain: intuitions, action, values, cognition, emotions.
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Spreadsheet End User Development and Knowledge Management
Knowledge, experiences, and abilities that are not articulated, represented or codified.
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Virtual Communities of Practice for Health Care Professionals
Personal, context-specific knowledge, rooted in action and experience that is difficult to formalize and communicate ( Rynes & Bartunek, 2001 ). It is knowledge that is shared via stories, anecdotes, metaphors, personal reflections, and communication ( Sandars & Heller, 2006 ).
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Representing Models of Practice
Unarticulated knowledge often acquired unconsciously and through experience.
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Knowledge and Intellectual Property Rights: An Economics Perspective
A form of knowledge that is not easily transmitted to another person due to its inexplicable nature. It can consist of culture and habits that the holder may not be aware of.
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Application of Cognitive Map in Knowledge Management
Personal knowledge which could be shared and exchanged through face-to-face contact among actors.
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Impact of Tacit Knowledge on Tourist Loyalty: Some Evidence From Rural Tourism
The knowledge inside the heads of individual’s and transferred only when they want.
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Chief Knowledge Officers
Knowledge that is uncodified and difficult to diffuse. It is hard to verbalize because it is expressed through action-based skills and cannot be reduced to rules and recipes. Tacit knowledge is the same as implicit knowledge.
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A Knowledge Management Model for Patterns
A type of human knowledge that cannot be articulated.
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Strategy Formulation and Organizational Structure in SMEs: Taking Business Models beyond the Hands of the Founders
Knowledge and know-how that is neither written nor formalized, being seldom verbalized, often accumulated through experience.
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Increasing Tacit Knowledge Sharing with an HRIS
Organizational knowledge that cannot be easily shared with other organizational members.
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Cognitive Mapping in Support of Intelligent Information Systems
Personal knowledge which could be shared and exchanged through face-to-face contact among actors.
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Knowledge Calibration and Knowledge Management
Personal or subjective knowledge, which includes mental models, knowhow, skills etc.
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Proposal of a Business Model Based on the Triple Business Performance-E
Non-codified experiences, ideas, and skills that people have, so they are not easily expressed.
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Protecting Knowledge Assets
Knowledge that is hard to express and communicate.
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Ba and Communities of Practice in Research and Strategic Communities as a Way Forward
Is described as knowledge that cannot be codified. Tacit knowledge is knowledge that comprises experience and work knowledge that resides only with the individual.
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Knowledge Creation, Ba and CoP: The Experience at IADE-UAM
This knowledge is creative and dependent on the history and experience of people, embodied in their minds and therefore, difficult to access, transfer and shared.
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Knowledge Sharing and IT/Business Partnership: An Integrated View of Risk Management
Unwritten, unspoken, and hidden knowledge held by every normal human being, based on his or her emotion, experience, insights, intuition, observations and internalized information. Tacit knowledge is integral to the persons' conscious, is acquired largely through association with another people and requires shared activities to be imparted from one to another.
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Performance Implications of Pure, Applied, and Fully Formalized Communities of Practice
Knowledge that people carry in their minds and is difficult to share with others.
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A Closer Look at Concept Map Collaborative Creation in Product Lifecycle Management
Knowledge that resides in people’s minds and that might not ever have been articulated through some kind of language.
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An Empirical View of Knowledge Management
The knowledge that unable to quantified and embedded within an individual.
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Knowledge Management: The Construction of Knowledge in Organizations
Based on personal experience, rule of thumb, intuition, and judgment. It includes professional know-how and expertise, individual insight and experience, and creative solution that are often difficult to communicate and pass on to others.
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Enabling Knowledge Flow: The Knowledge Management Triangle Model
The experiential and personal knowledge that a person gains through experience and resides in their head.
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Utilizing Learner Knowledge in Cross-Culture Management Education: Beneath the Visible Teaching Pyramid
The unarticulated and usually unconsidered knowledge that individuals acquire through their life-experiences, observations, and social interactions. Although tacit knowledge permeates the life and behavior of individuals, it is normally taken for granted and not expressly communicated to others. It forms an underlying framework and structure through which explicit knowledge is developed.
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Using Action Research for Improvement of Project Knowledge Management in the Public Museum
Knowledge resulting from the skills, experiences, and observations of employees, which is in the minds of people and is not recorded anywhere.
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Knowledge Management Systems Characteristics That Support Knowledge Sharing and Decision-Making Processes in Organizations
Is that knowledge which is contained within a person’s head and is difficult or impossible to express, write down and codify.
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An Explorative Study of Knowledge-Transfer Mechanism: Processes and Factors (Enablers and Barriers) – Conceptual Model
Is that knowledge which is contained within a person’s head and is difficult or impossible to express, write down, and codify.
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Indigenous Knowledge Management Practices in Indigenous Organizations in South Africa and Tanzania
“Information or knowledge that one would have extreme difficulty operationally setting out in tangible form” ( Koenig, 2012 ).
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Innovation and Knowledge in Academia
it represents ways of proceeding, structures and inherent actions that are transferred among the members of an organization and determine the uniqueness of the organization. They are shared and extended through a socialization process, so they are not exposed explicitly. This fact makes imitation from competitors harder to achieve.
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The Concept of Knowledge Management: Rational vs. Multifaceted Perspectives
A form of knowledge that cannot be easily codified and articulated across contexts.
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Scales and Dynamics in Outsourcing
Gertler (2004, p. 133)—with references to Polanyi (1958, 1966) and Nelson and Winther (1982) among others—offers the following description of tacit knowledge.“[T]he tacit component of the knowledge required for successful performance of a skill is that which defies codification or articulation—either because the performer herself is not fully conscious of all the ‘secrets’ of successful performance or because the codes of language are not well enough developed to permit clear explication.”
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Opportunities and Challenges in Digitization of Indigenous Knowledge and Implication for Educational Management in the Nigerian Context
It is any knowledge, information, skill and ability that an individual has gained through experience which is often quite challenging to explain, communicate, or simply put into words.
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Human Resources as Manager of the Human Imprint
Knowledge that is highly personal and hard to formalize, communicate, or transfer to others. Tacit knowledge is highly context specific and deeply rooted in action. It is the “know-how” that people develop after years of experience and practice.
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Creating Order from Chaos: Application of the Intelligence Continuum for Emergency and Disaster Scenarios
Or experiential knowledge, that is, “know how” represents knowledge that is gained through experience and through doing.
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The Role of the ICTS in Knowledge Transfer: A Special Focus in Fraunhofer AICOS
A term promoted by Polanyi to address that kind of knowledge which is difficult to express and formalize.
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Knowledge Sharing Practice in Brunei Darussalam
A form of knowledge that cannot be easily taught, verbalize and shared with others. Tacit knowledge can be captivated by observation and experience.
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E-Learning for Knowledge Dissemination
Defined as personal, context-specific knowledge. It is knowledge acquired by experience and practice. It is therefore difficult to formally state/codify such knowledge and communicate it.
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Management of Tacit Knowledge and the Issue of Empowerment of Patients and Stakeholders in the Health Care Sector
As Michael Polanyi (1967: 4) AU452: The in-text citation "Michael Polanyi (1967: 4)" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. wrote in The Tacit Dimension, we should start from the fact that ‘we can know more than we can tell‘. Jashapara (2011) AU453: The in-text citation "Jashapara (2011)" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. identifies tacit knowledge to knowing how or intelligence, in a tentative to approximate the concepts of knowledge developed by Michael Polanyi and Gilbert Ryle. It is frequent in the literature to find an opposition between tacit and codified knowledge, construing tacitness as a residual category. This is not our stance, given the complexity of the notion of knowledge and its dynamics, both in science and technological, technical and professional settings.
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Explicit and Tacit Knowledge: To Share or Not to Share
Tacit knowledge is knowledge that has not been formalized or cannot be formalized or made explicit (Nonaka & Takeuchi, 1995). Tacit knowledge is based on the individual’s subjective insights, intuitions and is deeply rooted in actions experience, ideals, values and emotions (Polanyi, 1966)
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Leadership for Big Data and Business Intelligence
Knowledge that is not codified and difficult to diffuse. It is hard to verbalize because it is expressed through action-based skills and cannot be reduced to rules and recipes.
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Adapting Translator and Interpreter Training to the Job Market
Knowledge acquired by learning how to do things through practice; AKA “procedural knowledge”.
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The Use of Social Technology to Support Organisational Knowledge
the understanding embedded in people’s minds and knowing how . This type of knowledge constructed from two elements: cognitive (point of view and beliefs) and technical (know-how).
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Indigenous Knowledges and Knowledge Codification in the Knowledge Economy
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Sharing Managerial Tacit Knowledge: A Case Study of Managers Working in Malaysia's Local Government
Tacit knowledge refers to the concepts of doing something successfully based on imitation and learning by doing. Although, most experts cannot explain explicitly how they successfully perform because success is developed from multiple and complex personal experiences, particularly in relation to solving problems. Therefore, some people explain how to do work successfully by giving analogies, stories and simulations. This study refers to managerial tacit knowledge as personal knowledge gained from practical experience in managing oneself, others and particular tasks.
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Retention of Knowledge From “Baby Boomers” Prior to Leaving the Workforce
Tacit knowledge is internal to an employee in know-how, experience, or expertise ( Hau et al., 2016 ).
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Design of a Strategic Knowledge Management Model to Evaluate Sales Growth in SMEs
It is the knowledge that is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalizing it.
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The Role of Human Resources (HR) in Tacit Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge that is very hard to articulate. It is typically knowledge that has been gained through experience. It is more subjective, more complex and much more difficult to document than explicit knowledge.
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The Moderating Effect of Family Management on R&D Productivity in Privately Held Firms
The family firm members’ unique and innate expertise, intrinsic to the belonging to their family business.
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An Analysis of the Relationship Between Maintenance Engineering and Knowledge Management
Knowledge acquired through habit, experience or culture, including subjective elements such as personal beliefs, intuition, etc. this kind of knowledge is difficult to process or transmit systematically.
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Business Processes and Knowledge Management
Knowledge that is difficult or impossible to express, except by demonstrating its application.
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Should Innovation Knowledge be Assessed?
Tacit knowledge refers to a knowledge which is only known by an individual and that is difficult to communicate to the rest of an organization. It has two dimensions where the first is the technical dimension, which encompasses the kind of informal personal skills or crafts often referred to as know-how.
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Beyond Binaries of Scientific and Indigenous Knowledge Bean Storage Techniques: A Case of Market Women in Ghana
This is knowledge that lives in people’s heads, or skill or know-how. It is difficult to verbalize but can be shared formally and informally in formal and informal spaces. This is non-codified knowledge usually owned by individuals through their experience.
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The End of Instructional Design
Tacit knowledge is instinctual or nontransferable knowledge. A person with tacit knowledge can perform an activity (such as balancing on a bicycle) but is unable to articulate a specific strategy for accomplishing the act.
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Tacit Knowledge as a Driver for Competitiveness
Is acquired by experience, is subjective, based on intuition, emotions, values and/or ideals, experiences and actions.
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CoPs & Organizational Identity: Five Case Studies of NTBFs
This knowledge is creative and dependent on the history and experience of people, embodied in their minds and therefore, difficult to access, transfer and shared.
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A Cross-National Comparison of Knowledge Management Practices
Highly contextual (‘here and now’) knowledge consisting the predominantly intuition, perceptions, experience and skills sets; this knowledge is difficult to articulate and to transfer; it is typically embedded in people’s minds.
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Knowledge Management Practices in a Greek Public Sector Organization: The Case of OAED
Experience- and intuition-based internalized knowledge that is held by every individual and that can be difficult to explicate in a formal way.
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Tacit Knowledge in Maker Spaces and Fab Labs: From Do It Yourself (DIY) to Do It With Others (DIWO)
Knowledge that can only be learned through practice and experience. Know-how. Knowledge that is acquired but difficult to explain to others. Subjective insights, intuitions and hunches of individuals. Not easily communicated or shared. To gain access to such knowledge one may have to be practicing in related areas of knowledge. What is held in someone’s head and includes facts, stories, biases, and insights. Tacit and explicit knowledge complement each other.
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Knowledge-Based E-Learning in Virtual Enterprises
Knowledge that enters into the production of behaviors and/or the constitution of mental states but is not ordinarily accessible to consciousness.
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Institutionalization of Informal Learning Behaviors for Effective Tacit Knowledge Management
Knowledge having a personal quality embodied in individual cognition and behaviors, which makes it hard to formalize and communicate by written, verbal and codified language.
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Ethical Aspects of Information-Based Medicine (With a Focus on Mental Health)
In clinical decision making, it may be characterized as any context-dependent practical knowledge (domain knowledge, expert knowledge) available within the context of the given clinical task.
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How Fablabs Manage the Knowledge They Create
Knowledge that can only be learned through practice and experience. Know-how. Knowledge that is acquired but difficult to explain to others. Subjective insights, intuitions and hunches of individuals. Not easily communicated or shared. To gain access to such knowledge one may have to be practicing in related areas of knowledge. What is held in someone’s head and includes facts, stories, biases, and insights. Tacit and explicit knowledge complement each other.
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Communities of Practice as Work Teams to Knowledge Management
Knowledge embedded in the experience and skills of the organisation’s members and is only revealed through its application. It cannot be codified or contained in manuals and can only be observed through its application.
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Theory and Practice of Online Knowledge Sharing
The kind of knowledge which is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalizing it.
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Socio-Semantic Web for Sharing Knowledge
The concept of tacit knowledge derives from Michael Polanyi’s scientific and philosophical works. This term has been coined to describe those aspects of knowledge that cannot be codified, but only gathered on personal experience or transmitted via training. Usually it is described as “know-how,” and it has been found to be a crucial input for the innovation processes.
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Learning Organizations
It is knowledge that is stored in every person through his/her experiences, emotions, intuitions and observations. Tacit knowledge is knowledge which we do not have words to describe.
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New Perspectives on Rewards and Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge that cannot be easily articulated, and thus only exists in people’s minds, and is manifested through their actions ( Stenmark, 2000 ).
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Intellectual Property Protection in Software Enterprises
Tacit knowledge consists of the culture of an organisation and in the skills, habits, and informal decisions of individuals.
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Tacit Knowledge Sharing for System Integration: A Case of Netherlands Railways in Industry 4.0
Knowledge which is difficult to articulate in explicit form and is fundamentally acquired through experience.
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“Shaken, Not Stirred”: Knowledge Transfer in the Hospitality Industry
Deeply rooted in human action and the involvement of individuals in practical contexts. It consists in a personal knowledge that is hardly transferable through verbal language.
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Expliciting Tacit Knowledge: Exploring an Uncharted Path for a Questionable Trip
Refers to informal, intuitively generated, informally shared and registered knowledge. It was conceputalized from the Works of Dr. Michael Polanyi.
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ICT and the Virtual Organisation
It is knowledge that people carry in their minds and is therefore difficult to access. The transfer of tacit knowledge is difficult and generally requires extensive personal contact and trust.
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Capturing Tacit Knowledge within Business Simulation Games
Knowledge characterized by difficulty in transferring from one person to another by means of writing down or verbalizing, hidden assumptions, beliefs, norms and culture as well as unconscious mental models.
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Successful Virtual Communities of Practice in Health Care
Personal, context-specific knowledge, rooted in action and experience that is difficult to formalize and communicate ( Rynes & Bartunek, 2001 ). It is knowledge that is shared via stories, anecdotes, metaphors, personal reflections, and communication ( Sandars & Heller, 2006 ).
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Knowledge Management and the Organisational Learning: Towards a Framework Definition
This type of knowledge highlights a unique form of knowledge, which is related to the personnel perceptions, values, culture, emotions, insights that could be positively used for improving the organisational knowledge.
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Knowledge Transfer and Marketing in Second Life
Credited to Michael Polyani, that knowledge that is in people’s heads and therefore hard to access ( Polanyi, 1967 ).
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Managerial Decision Support in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Towards Information-Based Management
In management, it represents any context-dependent practical managerial knowledge (domain knowledge, expert knowledge) available within the given management context.
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We Know More Than We Can Zoom: Challenges for Young Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic
A more intangible form of knowledge that consists of technical skills and know-how, and of beliefs and knowledge that people take for granted.
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The Role of Middle Managers in Knowledge Creation and Diffusion: An Examination in Greek Organizations
Experience- and intuition-based internalized knowledge that is held by every individual and that can be difficult to explicate in a formal way.
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Novel Method of Assessing Practical Intelligence Acquired in Mechatronics Laboratory Classes: Novices-Experts Methods
Polanyi (1962) described tacit knowledge, knowledge that we do not know that we know, such as the ability to ride a bicycle.
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Knowledge Management for E-Government Applications and Services
Also called unarticulated, implicit or informal knowledge. It is integral to the entirely of a person’s consciousness, is acquired largely through association with other people, and requires joint or shared activities to be imparted from on to another. It is considered as particularly valuable, and underlies many competitive capabilities for organizations since it provides context for people, places, ideas, experiences, etc.
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Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge that is known in the mind of an individual. Some of it may be verbalized, made explicit, and encoded to become explicit knowledge; some of it may not be explicable so that it must be demonstrated if it is to be transferred, as in a master craftsman showing an apprentice how to do something and the apprentice subsequently practicing what has been demonstrated.
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Dimensions of Student Satisfaction on Online Programs
Knowledge we don’t know that we know.
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Management in Modern Organizations: Organizational, Innovation, and Knowledge Management Theories
Is acquired by experience, is subjective, based on intuition, emotions, values and/or ideals, experiences and actions.
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Construction of Knowledge-Intensive organizations in Higher Education
Tacit knowledge consists of the culture of an organization and in the skills, habits and informal decisions of its individual members.
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Supporting the Mentoring Process
Knowledge gained through an individual’s own experiences.
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E-Learning Design for the Information Workplace
Knowledge which is only known through action by an individual and that is difficult to communicate to others; knowledge learned through experience.
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Online Knowledge Sharing
The kind of knowledge which is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalizing it.
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Knowledge Management as Organizational Strategy
Knowledge rooted in contextual experiences that is subconsciously understood ( Zack, 1999b ).
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Technology Support for Knowledge Management in Industrial Settings: Issues and Implications
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R&D Competition, Cooperation, and Microeconomic Policies
What is in the mind of those who create it, uncodified and unpublished, differs across persons and it can only be partially transmitted by collaborations with colleagues or shared experiences.
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Integrating Knowledge Management and Business Processes
Knowledge that is difficult or impossible to express, except by demonstrating its application.
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Influential Factors on Reverse Knowledge Transfers in Multinational Organizations
A set of as skills, ideas, and experiences that people have but are not codified. It is the type of knowledge that is complex, diffused, ingrained in the people of the organization. It is related to technical skills and know-how, but also to mental models, beliefs and perspectives.
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Knowledge Sharing Practices Among Non-Academic Staff in a Nigerian University
Is the type of knowledge that is subjective, held within the holder, experience based, contextualised, job specific, transferred through conversation or narrative and difficult to formalise, articulate or communicate fully.
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Transferring Knowledge in a Knowledge-Based Economy
Ingrained knowledge gathered through experience and personal beliefs.
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Reconceptualizing Medical Curriculum Design in Strategic Clinical Leadership Training for the 21st Century Physician
In contrast to formal, codified, or explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge is an informal, intuitive, and often socially constructed “gut instinct” that can be inherently difficulty to articulate or verbalize.
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Networks and Industrial Clusters
Know-how exchanged through informal channels.
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The Tacit Knowledge-Centric Innovation: Toward the Key Role of Customer Experiential Knowledge
It is a deeply embedded and subjective knowledge. It exists both on the individual and the organizational level and its acquisition depends widely on its level of hardness. Example of tacit domain: intuitions, action, values, cognition, emotions.
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State of the Art in Semantic Organizational Knowledge
This is knowledge acquired through personal experience that is difficult to express. It is also known as the individual know-how, techniques, processes, and expertise that is considered embedded in the organization’s knowledge base.
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Applying Social Network Analysis in a Healthcare Setting
Knowledge that is difficult to codify, and often resides in the key experts of the organization.
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Application of Cognitive Map in Knowledge Management
Personal knowledge which could be shared and exchanged through face-to-face contact among actors.
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The Tacit Knowledge and the Knowledge Management Processes: Developing a Relationship-Based Knowledge Matrix Using Simulation to Improve Performance
Is that unique and personal knowledge inside the employees minds who help them to perform challenging tasks, to overcome risks and also to become a strategic resource for any organization.
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Acquiring Competitive Advantage through Effective Knowledge Sharing
It is a kind of knowledge which is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing or expressing through mere verbal instruction. It must be learnt through experience by working in an organization and becoming familiar with its culture, procedures, customers, business processes, etc.
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Business Processes and Knowledge Management
Knowledge that is difficult or impossible to express, except by demonstrating its application.
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The Relationships between Project Management and Knowledge Management: Where We Can Find Project Knowledge Management in the Project Management Process
Kind of knowledge that is difficult to transfer to another person by means of writing it down or verbalizing it. Frequently associated to know-how.
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Tacit Knowledge and Discourse Analysis
Implicit understanding of which the individual is not directly aware and which is involved in their skilful practice.
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Collective Knowledge Development from Humans to Knowledge Systems
Knowledge we possess that stems from experience, and is hardly formalizable.
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E-Collaborative Knowledge Construction
Knowledge, which is acquired rather unconsciously by socialization or practice. It may be seen as complementary to explicit knowledge.
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Can Tacit Knowledge be Shared on Cloud?: An Opportunity for Viability From PBL
A component of knowledge, that usually refers to practical knowledge, in contrast with explicit knowledge that is theoretical. It has different definitions, the most famous one as “knowledge not-yet-articulated”. It is related to past experiences, prior knowledge or learning by doing, and because of that, it is said to be personal and not easily shareable.
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