The approaches which used to examine distance education systematically.
Published in Chapter:
Trends in Distance Education: Theories and Methods
Sercin Karatas (Gazi University, Turkey), Seher Ozcan (Gazi University, Turkey), Erhan Polat (Ankara University, Turkey), Yakup Yilmaz (Selcuk University, Turkey), and Arif Cem Topuz (Ardahan University, Turkey)
Copyright: © 2014
|Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5162-3.ch010
This chapter reveals the trends of the research conducted in between 2007-2012 on distance education theories. The literature was examined and analyzed based on theories, topics, research methods, statistics used, and the data collected in the research. Within this scope, full-text papers in the databases of EBSCO, Springer, Elsevier e-Reference, ERIC, JSTOR, SAGE, and ULAKBIM were reviewed, and a total of 209 articles were identified. The analysis outlines the trends in distance education and attempts to determine the deficiencies and gaps. The discovery of deficiencies and gaps are believed to not only raise awareness about the existing needs but also guide further studies.