It is an unrolling of the spherical image onto the plane, the width is exactly twice its height.
Published in Chapter:
Virtual Baroque: Digitization Experience of the Ecclesiastical Heritage in Acireale
Damiano Antonino Angelo Aiello (University of Catania, Italy), Graziana D'Agostino (University of Catania, Italy), and Mariateresa Galizia (University of Catania, Italy)
Copyright: © 2020
|Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1234-0.ch006
In recent years, in addition to the consolidated interest of the scientific community towards 3D digital surveying methods for the documentation of cultural heritage, the need to virtually use it is rising, to promote and enhance its value. This chapter focuses on the use of new technologies aimed at the documentation and communication of Knowledge, with the objective of involving the community through a participatory and immersive approach. Technologies, visualization, and fruition are, therefore, the key terms of the work in progress conducted by a team from the University of Catania and aimed at the documentation, safeguard, and communication of the ecclesiastical architectural heritage of Acireale, built after the earthquake of 1693.