It is the ability to create and express a realistic, reliable, attractive future vision for all or a part of the organization.
Published in Chapter:
Strategic Leadership in Tourism Enterprises
Zehra Yardı (Istinye University, Turkey) and Emre Ozan Aksöz (Anadolu University, Turkey)
Copyright: © 2023
|Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6713-8.ch011
The rapid evolution of markets today has led to globalization, competition, and technological developments, and the present classic management concept is becoming more dynamic. This has led management to adopt a more market-responsive strategic management approach. Strategic leaders are required in a wide range of institutions and organizations. There is a greater need for strategic leaders in an enterprise or an organization with larger objectives, a growth target, or high potential. Tourism businesses must remain present in this evolving environment and meet the expectations of employees, clients, partners, suppliers, government, etc. On the other hand, to ensure interaction with the external environment, exist in the market, and satisfy the aspirations of stakeholders, they must engage in managerial work towards ordinary jobs as well as activities for future and change. That requires strategic management of tourism companies. The leadership model, which has become popular in terms of strategic management, seems to be strategic leadership.