Wearable technology, wearables, fashion technology, tech togs, or fashion electronics are smart electronic devices (electronic device with micro-controllers) that can be incorporated into clothing or worn on the body as implants or accessories.
Published in Chapter:
Digital Transformation: The Reflection of the Mind to Digitality – Information Literacy, Digital Information, Strategy
Neslihan Yilmaz (Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey)
Copyright: © 2020
|Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1534-1.ch008
This chapter is a research on the effects of the concept of information literacy on the economic, social, economic, and digital epochs. When examining the information, the authors also examined the facts. In defining information, it was discussed within the framework of a national statement. While focusing on how information changes technology, the effects of knowledge on society are also examined. The authors socialized the information by showing the correlations between the types of information and society and units. By socializing, they have used the concept of renewing the process, re-using the process, to provide systematic coordination. The authors saw that the problem of knowledge and the solution phases emerged. In fact, information literacy has a characteristic that affects and supports other types of literacy. In other words, it is possible for an individual to develop other literacy skills with the help of information literacy skills.