IGI Global Electronic Access License Agreement (Terms of Use)

Authorized Users

Authorized Users are those persons affiliated with the Licensee who are permitted access to other electronic resources of the Licensee on site or via remote access. For example, they may be faculty, students, employees in addition to faculty, or consultants under contract with the Licensee. Walk-in users—meaning visitors to the Licensee’s facility who do not have any official affiliation with the Licensee—may be considered Authorized Users only if they are physically present at the Licensee’s site; they may not be granted remote access.

Copyright and Proprietary Rights

The entire contents of all IGI Global databases are copyrighted by IGI Global under the Copyright Laws of the United States Codified in Title 17 of the U.S. Code, which is party to both the Universal Copyright Convention and the Berne Copyright Convention. Licensee agrees not to remove or obscure copyright notices. IGI Global grants no copyright or ownership interests to Licensee for any of the material and proprietary information.

Usage Rights

Authorized Users may extract or use a reasonable amount of information contained in IGI Global publications for educational, scientific, or research purposes, including extraction and manipulation of information for the purpose of illustration, explanation, example, comment, criticism, teaching, research, or analysis.

Licensee may display, download, or print the Licensed Materials for the purpose of internal marketing or testing or for training Authorized Users or groups of Authorized Users.

Authorized Users may electronically save individual articles from the Licensed Materials for personal use.

Authorized Users may print a copy of parts of the Licensed Materials for personal use.

Licensee may provide electronic links to the Licensed Materials from Licensee's Web page(s) and is encouraged to do so in ways that will increase the usefulness of the Licensed Materials to Authorized Users.

Provided the Licensed Materials cease to be hosted on IGI Global's servers, Licensee or a third party (e.g. an external electronic library service utility) may host the Licensed Materials, provided by IGI Global as archival copy on DVD, on the Licensee's or the third party's servers for use through the Licensee's secure network by the Licensee's authorized users only.

Use for Interlibrary Lending with the following restrictions:

The Licensed Materials may not be used for any (i) fee-for-service use by Licensee including providing access to or selling copies of Items, (ii) systematic supply or distribution of portions of or Items from the Licensed Materials in any form to anyone other than an Authorized User, or (iii) any similar activity.

Licensee may use the Licensed Materials to fulfill in print form or digitally interlibrary loan requests from institutions that do not have access to the Licensed Materials, provided that such fulfillment is in accordance with the interlibrary loan provisions of Section 108 of the US Copyright Act and the CONTU Guidelines promulgated thereunder and with analogous applicable laws of other jurisdictions.

Such requests may be fulfilled only by the Institution printing a copy of the item and providing that print copy, or a photocopy or facsimile transmission thereof, to the requesting party.

Specific Restrictions on Use of Licensed Materials

  • Licensee may not use the Licensed Materials for Commercial Use.
  • Licensee or Authorized Users may not remove, obscure, or modify any copyright or other notices in the Licensed Materials.
  • Licensee or Authorized Users shall not modify or create a derivative work of the Licensed Materials without prior written permission of Licensor.
  • Licensee or Authorized Users may not systematically make print or electronic copies of multiple extracts of the Licensed Materials for any purpose other than back-up copies.
  • Licensee may not systematically distribute the whole or any part of the Licensed Materials to anyone other than Authorized Users without prior written permission of the Licensor.
  • IGI Global does not provide, nor permit the Licensee to distribute, IGI Global's content under any Open Access model as commonly understood in the publishing industry.


No computer software is delivered as a part of this License and the License is not conditional upon the Licensee's ability to provide its own software or to use the Licensed Materials provided under this License. Licensor warrants and represents that it has the complete right to enter this agreement and to deliver the Licensed Materials. Quotes, quantities, and availability of Licensed Materials are subject to change at Licensor’s discretion without prior notice. This warranty is in lieu of any and all other warranties, written or oral, express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. IGI Global expressly disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Although care has been used in accuracy, completeness, or functioning thereof, Licensor assumes no responsibility for the Licensee's use thereof and shall not be liable for loss of profits, loss of use, or incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages as a result of such use, even if aware of the possibility thereof.

In no event may the Licensee bring any action arising out of the License more than three (3) years after the claim or cause of action arises. Licensor shall in no event be liable for more than the Fees paid (whether in contract or in tort, including negligence and strict liability).

Diversity and Inclusion

IGI Global does not tolerate discrimination based on age, gender, race, affiliation, religious beliefs, political beliefs, sexual orientation or country of origin. We are an inclusive company and we continually strive to ensure that our staff, management, review boards, publications, and all aspects of the company reflect the highest level of inclusion of experts from all over the world. Our goal is to continue to demonstrate a diverse, inclusive culture that fuels innovation among the communities we serve.


The Licensor agrees that no personally identifiable information, including but not limited to log-ins recorded in system logs, IP addresses of patrons accessing the system, queries, search profiles, saved searches, usernames and passwords, and any other form of user-contributed data, will be shared with third parties, except in response to a subpoena, court order, or other legal requirement. If Licensor is compelled by law or court order to disclose personally identifiable information of Authorized Users or patterns of use, Licensor shall provide the Licensee with adequate prior written notice as soon as is practicable, so that Licensee or Authorized Users may seek protective orders or other remedies. Licensor will notify Licensee and Authorized Users as soon as is practicable if the Licensor’s systems are breached and the confidentiality of personally identifiable information is compromised.

Support and Maintenance

Licensor will offer reasonable levels of continuing support via email during normal business hours, for feedback, problem solving, general questions, and such technical assistance is provided at the sole risk of the Customer. Licensor will use reasonable efforts to provide service quality comparable to current online information standards with an average of 99% of up-time per month and will attempt to perform scheduled maintenance downtime at low-usage times.

This License Agreement is applicable to all IGI Global electronic content, including databases and individual title/journals, as subscribed to or perpetually purchased by the Licensee direct through Licensor (IGI Global) or indirectly through any of our respected partners.

Please Submit the Following Form

To request E-Access, either:

  • Login (or register if you do not have an account) to complete the online E-Access form.