Editor Note: Understanding the importance of this timely topic and to ensure that research is made available to the wider academic community, IGI Global has made a sample of related articles and chapters complimentary to access. View the end of this article to freely access this critical research.
Did you know that one in six Gen Z (born between ~1997-2015) adults are identifying as LGBT? According to a recent Washington Post article, this statistic is predicted to grow. Worldwide, we are seeing pushes for change regarding the policies and social views of the LGBTQ+ community, including measures for protection and inclusion. Although this statistic is increasing, the acceptance of this community varies across different countries and these laws are causing debate and controversy in various regions. Some recent articles discussing policy changes related to LGBTQ+ people include:
With these varying approaches and views on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer people, policy makers need to consult experts in the field to take an educated approach and create solutions in favor of their constituents. Understanding the importance of these issues and in creating an equitable society, Dr. Karla L. Drenner, Purdue University Global, USA, speaks on these issues in her chapter, “The Future of LGBT Politics” featured in Social Jurisprudence in the Changing of Social Norms: Emerging Research and Opportunities (IGI Global).
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Alexis de Tocqueville said about American society in the early 19th century that Americans tend to transform almost every important political question into a legal one. The major issues of American political life, perhaps even more so today than in Tocqueville’s time, frequently find their way into court. Contemporary issues such as same-sex marriage, abortion, gun rights, religious freedom, and a host of others have found their way into courtrooms. There can be little doubt that courts have played and continue to play a major role in shaping and influencing political and social life in the United States.
Judicial policymaking raises questions in the minds of many people as to whether it is fair for judges, rather than elected representatives, to make certain types of decisions and, even more important, whether judges are competent to decide on complex issues of public policy. Other critics maintain the major problem with contemporary courts is not that judges are engaged in policymaking but that the policy made is unjust (Tushnet, 1979).
There has been an increasingly strident chorus that asserts the United States has been secularized and religion has lost its force in the culture. Stephen Carter’s (1994) widely read book, The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion, fed into this narrative. The book portrays religion as a diminishing influence in society. Ironically, the secularization thesis has permitted organized religion to don the garb of the underdog, when in fact its political power has been quite potent, even behind the scenes.
Complimentary Research Articles and Chapters on
LGBTQ+ Rights, Politics, and Issues | In response to the timeliness and importance of this topic, we have made the below articles and chapters available with complimentary access. As such, please feel free to integrate these resources into your research and share them across your network: | | | | Research Anthology on African Studies | Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A.
2020© | 1,022 pgs. | EISBN: 9781799830207 | - Features 55+ Chapters
- Insights From 55+ International Scholars
- Covers Research on Social Issues in Africa
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| | | | | | | | | Inclusive Theory and Practice in Special Education | Profs. Henriette van Rensburg (University of Southern Queensland, Australia) et al.
2020© | 425 pgs. | EISBN: 9781799829034 | - Insights From 25+ International Scholars
- Research from 5+ Leading Universities
- Covers Autism, Lifelong Learning & Policy
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