Advances in Biosensors for In Vitro Diagnostics

Advances in Biosensors for In Vitro Diagnostics

David P. Klemer
ISBN13: 9781605667683|ISBN10: 1605667684|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781616924034|EISBN13: 9781605667690
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-768-3.ch011
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Klemer, David P. "Advances in Biosensors for In Vitro Diagnostics." Biocomputation and Biomedical Informatics: Case Studies and Applications, edited by Athina A. Lazakidou, IGI Global, 2010, pp. 178-186.


Klemer, D. P. (2010). Advances in Biosensors for In Vitro Diagnostics. In A. Lazakidou (Ed.), Biocomputation and Biomedical Informatics: Case Studies and Applications (pp. 178-186). IGI Global.


Klemer, David P. "Advances in Biosensors for In Vitro Diagnostics." In Biocomputation and Biomedical Informatics: Case Studies and Applications, edited by Athina A. Lazakidou, 178-186. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2010.

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The array of tools available to the medical practitioner for diagnosis of disease has experienced extremely rapid expansion over the past decades. Traditional “blood chemistries” and hematological testing have been augmented with immunoassays for serological testing and PCR-based assays for genomic screening. Rapid, inexpensive point-of-care assays with enhanced sensitivity and specificity have the potential for altering the manner in which medicine is practiced; pharmacogenomics and the advent of “personalized medicine” permit the tailoring of therapeutic pharmacologic regimens to the genetic makeup of an individual. Facilitating this are novel biosensing approaches for in vitro diagnostics, developed at the interface of engineering, physics, chemistry and biology. New discoveries promise to sustain the high rate of growth of this important field of research and development. This chapter examines recent advances in techniques for biosensing and in vitro biomedical diagnostics, building on progress in materials science, nanotechnology, semiconductor devices, and biotechnology. The importance of this topic is motivated through the presentation of case studies of biosensing applications within various medical specialties.

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