#Trump #Fakenews #Notmypresident: Assessing First-Time Voters of Color

#Trump #Fakenews #Notmypresident: Assessing First-Time Voters of Color

Sheryl M. Kennedy Haydel, Shearon D. Roberts
ISBN13: 9781522540595|ISBN10: 1522540598|EISBN13: 9781522540601
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-4059-5.ch012
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Haydel, Sheryl M. Kennedy, and Shearon D. Roberts. "#Trump #Fakenews #Notmypresident: Assessing First-Time Voters of Color." Handbook of Research on Media Literacy in Higher Education Environments, edited by Jayne Cubbage, IGI Global, 2018, pp. 199-221. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-4059-5.ch012


Haydel, S. M. & Roberts, S. D. (2018). #Trump #Fakenews #Notmypresident: Assessing First-Time Voters of Color. In J. Cubbage (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Media Literacy in Higher Education Environments (pp. 199-221). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-4059-5.ch012


Haydel, Sheryl M. Kennedy, and Shearon D. Roberts. "#Trump #Fakenews #Notmypresident: Assessing First-Time Voters of Color." In Handbook of Research on Media Literacy in Higher Education Environments, edited by Jayne Cubbage, 199-221. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2018. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-4059-5.ch012

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In the 2016 general elections, a Stanford University study found that American voters shared fake news stories at extraordinary high levels about the leading candidates, adding up to over 30 million times. While the primary researchers for this study noted that this number does not necessarily mean that fake news was persuasive, it suggests its accessibility, readability, and sharing was pervasive in the last election. This chapter looks at media and politics literacy for the millennial voter of color, who scholars describe as having low-levels of information, and media literacy. The irony is this is a group most in need of news and information for making informed decisions, as they are often first-time voters, now engaging with the political process. The classroom at an HBCU is part textbook and part bringing textbook to life, contextualizing the past and the present, and engaging young minds for making a positive difference in society.

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