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Expansion of Uses and Applications of Virtual Reality

Expansion of Uses and Applications of Virtual Reality

Pablo Gobira, Antônio Mozelli
ISBN13: 9781522554691|ISBN10: 1522554696|EISBN13: 9781522554707
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5469-1.ch001
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Gobira, Pablo, and Antônio Mozelli. "Expansion of Uses and Applications of Virtual Reality." Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, edited by Information Resources Management Association, IGI Global, 2018, pp. 1-17.


Gobira, P. & Mozelli, A. (2018). Expansion of Uses and Applications of Virtual Reality. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1-17). IGI Global.


Gobira, Pablo, and Antônio Mozelli. "Expansion of Uses and Applications of Virtual Reality." In Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, edited by Information Resources Management Association, 1-17. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2018.

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The chapter shows the evolution of virtual reality interfaces and technologies to the current moment and verifies what led them to an alleged decline in early 1990. Due to the development of the industry of digital games, new forms of interaction have being researched and presented to the public. It will also be shown the application of virtual reality in different contexts of digital games, in addition to reporting a brief experience of the research group in art, science and technology, Lab|Front (Laboratório de Poéticas Fronteiriças - CNPq/UEMG).

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