Policing Online Aggression: Policy Solutions and Challenges

Policing Online Aggression: Policy Solutions and Challenges

ISBN13: 9781522570363|ISBN10: 1522570365|EISBN13: 9781522570370
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7036-3.ch004
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McNeal, Ramona S., et al. "Policing Online Aggression: Policy Solutions and Challenges." Social Issues Surrounding Harassment and Assault: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, edited by Information Resources Management Association, IGI Global, 2019, pp. 80-98. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-7036-3.ch004


McNeal, R. S., Kunkle, S. M., & Schmeida, M. (2019). Policing Online Aggression: Policy Solutions and Challenges. In I. Management Association (Ed.), Social Issues Surrounding Harassment and Assault: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice (pp. 80-98). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-7036-3.ch004


McNeal, Ramona S., Susan M. Kunkle, and Mary Schmeida. "Policing Online Aggression: Policy Solutions and Challenges." In Social Issues Surrounding Harassment and Assault: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, edited by Information Resources Management Association, 80-98. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-7036-3.ch004

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Research argues that to address bullying/cyberbullying it will take the larger school community including teachers, families, health professionals, etc. The same can be said for other forms of aggression. This chapter provides an overview of the literature on what each member of the larger community can do to curtail the spread of online aggression. The chapter concludes by examining the effectiveness of recommendations for individuals for protecting themselves from becoming victims of online aggression as well as strategies for parents to protect their children from becoming victims of cyberbullying. Multivariate statistical methods and survey data from the PEW Research Center for the years 2013 and 2014 were used in this analysis.

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