Introduction to Life

Introduction to Life

ISBN13: 9781522580669|ISBN10: 1522580662|EISBN13: 9781522580676
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8066-9.ch001
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Oscar J. Wambuguh. "Introduction to Life." Examining the Causal Relationship Between Genes, Epigenetics, and Human Health, IGI Global, 2019, pp.1-18.


O. Wambuguh (2019). Introduction to Life. IGI Global.


Oscar J. Wambuguh. "Introduction to Life." In Examining the Causal Relationship Between Genes, Epigenetics, and Human Health. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019.

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This chapter introduces what life is and what characterises it, discusses its diversity, then introduces the theory of evolution. It ends with a section discussing how scientists investigate research problems called the “Process of Science.” Living organisms share very defined characteristics—the sum of which make the “wholeness” we call life. Carl Linnaeus proposed a binomial system of classification where each organism's scientific name has two distinct parts: the genus and the species. Charles Darwin formulated the theory of natural selection which explains how evolution works. Humans share a lot in common with other living organisms, but there are features that make us distinctly human not shared with any other living organisms. The practice of science uses a carefully formulated series of steps in investigating problems. Science cannot explain everything especially philosophical questions that involve issues of right and wrong.

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