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The Media-Dream Model: Science Fiction as Archetypal Representation

The Media-Dream Model: Science Fiction as Archetypal Representation

Stephen Brock Schafer
ISBN13: 9781522590651|ISBN10: 152259065X|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522590668|EISBN13: 9781522590675
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9065-1.ch009
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Schafer, Stephen Brock. "The Media-Dream Model: Science Fiction as Archetypal Representation." Media Models to Foster Collective Human Coherence in the PSYCHecology, edited by Stephen Brock Schafer, IGI Global, 2019, pp. 159-190.


Schafer, S. B. (2019). The Media-Dream Model: Science Fiction as Archetypal Representation. In S. Schafer (Ed.), Media Models to Foster Collective Human Coherence in the PSYCHecology (pp. 159-190). IGI Global.


Schafer, Stephen Brock. "The Media-Dream Model: Science Fiction as Archetypal Representation." In Media Models to Foster Collective Human Coherence in the PSYCHecology, edited by Stephen Brock Schafer, 159-190. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019.

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We live in a world not of science but of science fiction. Like pixel patterns from unconscious software is projected onto a monitor, unconscious archetypal quantum patterns are projected as what Carl Jung called archetypal representation (AR). Projected images are then subject to the vagaries of personal perception, so it may be stipulated that no absolute reality exists for humans. Rather, each person lives in a perceptual fiction. According to Carl G. Jung, dreams are projections from quantum-level unconscious dimensions into the cognitive dimension of “consciousness.” In the language of dream analysis, Jung would have described the science fiction genre as a prospective (future-oriented) dreamscape of archetypal representations. In the media-dream model, quantum patterns are derived from research in cognitive neuroscience and physics. Contemplated as AR, the sci-fi genre is predictive of cultural futures and formats psychological motives and morality. Sci-fi has the potential to detect the psychological dynamics at work during the paradigm shift into a dreamscape of illusion.

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