The Role and Importance of Independent Audit and Annual Integrated Reports as Corporate Tools in Communication With Stakeholders From the Investor Relations Perspectives: An Examination Upon Turkish Banks

The Role and Importance of Independent Audit and Annual Integrated Reports as Corporate Tools in Communication With Stakeholders From the Investor Relations Perspectives: An Examination Upon Turkish Banks

Mustafa Tevfik Kartal
ISBN13: 9781522592655|ISBN10: 1522592652|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522592662|EISBN13: 9781522592679
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9265-5.ch007
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Kartal, Mustafa Tevfik. "The Role and Importance of Independent Audit and Annual Integrated Reports as Corporate Tools in Communication With Stakeholders From the Investor Relations Perspectives: An Examination Upon Turkish Banks." Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making, edited by Hasan Dinçer and Serhat Yüksel, IGI Global, 2019, pp. 127-147.


Kartal, M. T. (2019). The Role and Importance of Independent Audit and Annual Integrated Reports as Corporate Tools in Communication With Stakeholders From the Investor Relations Perspectives: An Examination Upon Turkish Banks. In H. Dinçer & S. Yüksel (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making (pp. 127-147). IGI Global.


Kartal, Mustafa Tevfik. "The Role and Importance of Independent Audit and Annual Integrated Reports as Corporate Tools in Communication With Stakeholders From the Investor Relations Perspectives: An Examination Upon Turkish Banks." In Handbook of Research on Global Issues in Financial Communication and Investment Decision Making, edited by Hasan Dinçer and Serhat Yüksel, 127-147. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019.

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Although there are globalization and digitalization trends affecting all companies, some things can never be changed. Similarly, when speaking about investor relations, although there are new tools, annual reports are the main communication tools with the stakeholders. One of the most important issues with them is independent assurance and timely sharing with stakeholders. Also, there is a new trend named as integrated report regarding annual reports. So, in this study, it is aimed at evaluating the role and importance of independent audit and annual integrated reports as corporate communication tools from the point of view of investor relations. It is concluded that annual reports are still main corporate communication tools with the stakeholders for companies although there are other instruments like web site, social media and investor presentations. Integrated report trend is intensifying this role. Therefore, independent audit has a substantially important role in providing assurance to stakeholders regarding integrity of information in annual (integrated) reports.

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