Frugal Living for Our Collective and Mutual #Bestlife on a Distributed and Global Electronic Hive Mind

Frugal Living for Our Collective and Mutual #Bestlife on a Distributed and Global Electronic Hive Mind

ISBN13: 9781522593690|ISBN10: 1522593691|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522593706|EISBN13: 9781522593713
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9369-0.ch004
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Shalin Hai-Jew. "Frugal Living for Our Collective and Mutual #Bestlife on a Distributed and Global Electronic Hive Mind." Electronic Hive Minds on Social Media: Emerging Research and Opportunities, IGI Global, 2019, pp.77-120.


S. Hai-Jew (2019). Frugal Living for Our Collective and Mutual #Bestlife on a Distributed and Global Electronic Hive Mind. IGI Global.


Shalin Hai-Jew. "Frugal Living for Our Collective and Mutual #Bestlife on a Distributed and Global Electronic Hive Mind." In Electronic Hive Minds on Social Media: Emerging Research and Opportunities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2019.

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What is not as commonly identified as an optimal life #bestlife is living #frugal, and yet, there is a global electronic hive mind about how to live sparingly based on highly variant local realities. There are blogs about living on a shoestring, stretching funds, cooking in, engaging in a DIY economy (bartering with like-minded others), living off the grid, taking low-cost and simple vacations, maintaining a food garden, raising food animals, and forgoing the more spendy aspects of modern living. The narrative goes that saving up and retiring early enables low-pressure and intentional lifestyles (and an ability to focus on family and friends), low-carbon footprints (with low impacts on the environment), and the embodiment of a frugal virtue. This chapter explores what a #frugal living EHM looks like and how it brings together people around shared values and lifestyle practices for personal peace of mind, social justice, and long-term sustainability.

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