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Theoretical or Philosophical Considerations for an Integrated Narrative Generation Approach

Theoretical or Philosophical Considerations for an Integrated Narrative Generation Approach

ISBN13: 9781522596936|ISBN10: 1522596933|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522596943|EISBN13: 9781522596950
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9693-6.ch004
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Takashi Ogata. "Theoretical or Philosophical Considerations for an Integrated Narrative Generation Approach." Toward an Integrated Approach to Narrative Generation: Emerging Research and Opportunities, IGI Global, 2020, pp.315-403.


T. Ogata (2020). Theoretical or Philosophical Considerations for an Integrated Narrative Generation Approach. IGI Global.


Takashi Ogata. "Theoretical or Philosophical Considerations for an Integrated Narrative Generation Approach." In Toward an Integrated Approach to Narrative Generation: Emerging Research and Opportunities. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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Although narrative philosophy or thought is the fundamental concept supporting this study, a point different from the previous studies relating to narrative philosophy is that this study aims to make products in the technological field of narrative generation systems instead of philosophy or thought about narrative itself. From the viewpoint of philosophy or thought, the narrative generation systems are applications. In contrast, from the goal of narrative generation systems, philosophy or thought corresponds to a kind of strategic framework for establishing the vision, strategy, and direction. In particular, the first philosophical concept is “multiple narrative structures.” Next, the author addresses the following three concepts: “circular narrative control,” “fluidity and fixation,” and “norm and deviation.” They are not concepts that are respectively individual. These philosophical concepts build the dynamic characteristics of narrative generation through their interrelationships.

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