The New Horizon of Public Relations: Community Management

The New Horizon of Public Relations: Community Management

Zeynep Genel
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 15
ISBN13: 9781522596974|ISBN10: 1522596976|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522596981|EISBN13: 9781522596998
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9697-4.ch012
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Genel, Zeynep. "The New Horizon of Public Relations: Community Management." Strategies and Tools for Managing Connected Consumers, edited by Ree Chan Ho, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 208-222.


Genel, Z. (2020). The New Horizon of Public Relations: Community Management. In R. Ho (Ed.), Strategies and Tools for Managing Connected Consumers (pp. 208-222). IGI Global.


Genel, Zeynep. "The New Horizon of Public Relations: Community Management." In Strategies and Tools for Managing Connected Consumers, edited by Ree Chan Ho, 208-222. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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Consumers pay attention to other consumers' comments, advice, and interactions during the purchase decision process. Besides having a strong impact on consumers' brand decisions, these user-driven contents have an important effect on brand's online reputation, which is very important area for consumers to follow the information about the brand. Therefore, some of the public relations practices will be forced to change by this new communication eco-system. The increasing power of consumer-driven content could lead to the evolution of traditional public relations and marketing communication. Interaction and participation would be the main concepts in the coming future of public relations. Therefore, this chapter aims to explain the effect of consumers' interactions on brand's social media accounts that would lead to their brand selection decisions.

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