The Impact of Culturally Responsive Teaching on Underrepresented Students Persistence in STEM: Culturally Responsive Instructional Strategies

The Impact of Culturally Responsive Teaching on Underrepresented Students Persistence in STEM: Culturally Responsive Instructional Strategies

Misty S. Thomas, Lucretia O. Tripp
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 29
ISBN13: 9781522599890|ISBN10: 1522599894|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781522599906|EISBN13: 9781522599913
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-9989-0.ch008
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Thomas, Misty S., and Lucretia O. Tripp. "The Impact of Culturally Responsive Teaching on Underrepresented Students Persistence in STEM: Culturally Responsive Instructional Strategies." Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, edited by Lucretia Octavia Tripp and Rhonda M. Collier, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 164-192.


Thomas, M. S. & Tripp, L. O. (2020). The Impact of Culturally Responsive Teaching on Underrepresented Students Persistence in STEM: Culturally Responsive Instructional Strategies. In L. Tripp & R. Collier (Eds.), Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (pp. 164-192). IGI Global.


Thomas, Misty S., and Lucretia O. Tripp. "The Impact of Culturally Responsive Teaching on Underrepresented Students Persistence in STEM: Culturally Responsive Instructional Strategies." In Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, edited by Lucretia Octavia Tripp and Rhonda M. Collier, 164-192. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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There is a consistent economic need to increase diversity in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines and to increase diversity in groups of STEM professionals graduating from colleges and universities in our nation. However, research notates that minoritized populations such as women and/or persons of color, continue to be underrepresented in STEM disciplines. Furthermore, literature suggests that teachers who implement culturally responsive instructional strategies in the classroom positively impact and empower students to develop positive attitudes towards STEM, hence aiding in an increase in the recruitment and retainment of underrepresented groups in STEM disciplines or STEM-related careers. This book chapter will trace research and provide culturally responsive teaching strategies, lesson plan adaptation strategies, and instructional practices that can be used in STEM classrooms in an effort to positively influence underrepresented student's decisions to persist in STEM careers and/or STEM-related fields.

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