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The Digital Enterprise as an Emerging Landscape for Universities and Their Operation

The Digital Enterprise as an Emerging Landscape for Universities and Their Operation

Balbir S. Barn
ISBN13: 9781799801085|ISBN10: 179980108X|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799801092|EISBN13: 9781799801108
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0108-5.ch013
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Barn, Balbir S. "The Digital Enterprise as an Emerging Landscape for Universities and Their Operation." Advanced Digital Architectures for Model-Driven Adaptive Enterprises, edited by Vinay Kulkarni, et al., IGI Global, 2020, pp. 287-304.


Barn, B. S. (2020). The Digital Enterprise as an Emerging Landscape for Universities and Their Operation. In V. Kulkarni, S. Reddy, T. Clark, & B. Barn (Eds.), Advanced Digital Architectures for Model-Driven Adaptive Enterprises (pp. 287-304). IGI Global.


Barn, Balbir S. "The Digital Enterprise as an Emerging Landscape for Universities and Their Operation." In Advanced Digital Architectures for Model-Driven Adaptive Enterprises, edited by Vinay Kulkarni, et al., 287-304. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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This chapter presents a framing discussion around the notion of a digital enterprise in the context of higher education. The chapter makes the assumption that a university like a commercial enterprise can draw significant benefit from acting as a digital enterprise. The discussion indicates that some of a university's existing and historical activities are in line with notions of a digital enterprise. The chapter proposes a framework for assessing the readiness of a university with respect to its actions as a digital enterprise recognising the complexity of domains residing within the confines of a university environment. Critically, the chapter argues that such a future systems project should not only consider positive use cases but also recognise that a digital enterprise may have unplanned and unintentional consequences. Hence, this chapter argues that new forms of governance may also be required alongside the planned journey to a digital enterprise world.

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