New Horizons for Sustainable Growth in Eurasia Powered by Technology-Infused Adult Learning

New Horizons for Sustainable Growth in Eurasia Powered by Technology-Infused Adult Learning

Judith Parker
ISBN13: 9781799825517|ISBN10: 1799825515|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799825524|EISBN13: 9781799825531
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2551-7.ch007
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Parker, Judith. "New Horizons for Sustainable Growth in Eurasia Powered by Technology-Infused Adult Learning." Toward Sustainability Through Digital Technologies and Practices in the Eurasian Region, edited by Gainiya Tazhina and Judith Parker, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 114-131.


Parker, J. (2020). New Horizons for Sustainable Growth in Eurasia Powered by Technology-Infused Adult Learning. In G. Tazhina & J. Parker (Eds.), Toward Sustainability Through Digital Technologies and Practices in the Eurasian Region (pp. 114-131). IGI Global.


Parker, Judith. "New Horizons for Sustainable Growth in Eurasia Powered by Technology-Infused Adult Learning." In Toward Sustainability Through Digital Technologies and Practices in the Eurasian Region, edited by Gainiya Tazhina and Judith Parker, 114-131. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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On January 1, 2019, an American spacecraft, New Horizons, that had been traveling through space for 13 years discovered Ultima Thule, the farthest object in our Solar System. Technology had expanded the view of our immediate solar system beyond the boundaries of our current exploration and opened a vision for the growth of knowledge and discoveries. This chapter explores the vision of a geographical area that began with disappearing geographical, political, and philosophical boundaries and the emerging new horizons for the Eurasian Region. It explores the role of technology infused adult learning in the achievement of that vision that is sustainable. Over the past almost 30 years, these countries have engaged in a search for sustainable growth and for the ideal of a digital economy. Throughout history, adult learning has been at the core of any forward moving initiative. This chapter will address how this ideal can become reality through exploration of the theories and practices of adult learning infused with technology.

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