Consumer Neuroscience: Evolution and Commercial Applications

Consumer Neuroscience: Evolution and Commercial Applications

Kimberly Rose Clark
ISBN13: 9781799831266|ISBN10: 1799831264|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799831273|EISBN13: 9781799831280
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3126-6.ch010
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Clark, Kimberly Rose. "Consumer Neuroscience: Evolution and Commercial Applications." Analyzing the Strategic Role of Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience, edited by Dincer Atli, IGI Global, 2020, pp. 185-207.


Clark, K. R. (2020). Consumer Neuroscience: Evolution and Commercial Applications. In D. Atli (Ed.), Analyzing the Strategic Role of Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience (pp. 185-207). IGI Global.


Clark, Kimberly Rose. "Consumer Neuroscience: Evolution and Commercial Applications." In Analyzing the Strategic Role of Neuromarketing and Consumer Neuroscience, edited by Dincer Atli, 185-207. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2020.

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Consumer neuroscience is a quickly growing discipline that harnesses both theoretical principles and applied measures from the decision and affective neurosciences, along with psychophysiology and vision research, in order to explain and predict consumption behaviors. This discipline links several subfields, including neuroeconomics, social and affective neuroscience, and neuromarketing. This emerging field comprises both direct and peripheral measures of neural processing related to consumption behaviors. Consumer neuroscience complements traditional commercial research measures such as self-report, which can often be inaccurate and biased by anticipated or recalled, but not actual, consumption behaviors. All told, consumer neuroscience represents a unique field focusing on the consumer and the innumerable factors that affect individual preferences and consumption behavior. This chapter will provide a comprehensive overview of the field's history, key measures used, case examples of academic and commercial work, and a discussion of the field's continued bright trajectory.

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