Strategy From Human Talent

Strategy From Human Talent

Yusney Esther Porras Polo
ISBN13: 9781799849094|ISBN10: 1799849090|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799856276|EISBN13: 9781799849100
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4909-4.ch013
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Porras Polo, Yusney Esther. "Strategy From Human Talent." Handbook of Research on International Business and Models for Global Purpose-Driven Companies, edited by Rafael Ignacio Perez-Uribe, et al., IGI Global, 2021, pp. 235-252.


Porras Polo, Y. E. (2021). Strategy From Human Talent. In R. Perez-Uribe, C. Largacha-Martinez, & D. Ocampo-Guzman (Eds.), Handbook of Research on International Business and Models for Global Purpose-Driven Companies (pp. 235-252). IGI Global.


Porras Polo, Yusney Esther. "Strategy From Human Talent." In Handbook of Research on International Business and Models for Global Purpose-Driven Companies, edited by Rafael Ignacio Perez-Uribe, Carlos Largacha-Martinez, and David Ocampo-Guzman, 235-252. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.

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This chapter presents an original view of strategy, understood from and for the human talent of organizations. Therefore, it is proposed how to develop a strategic deployment that includes human talent as a differential using a methodology that makes it possible to propose a new way of meeting strategic objectives. This analysis considers the external requirements and changes, the needs and opportunities for improvement detected through a SWOT, which seek to increase the competition of human talent in organizations, exploring variables and thus leading the business to future. It is the product of teaching support in subjects as strategic management, human talent management, among others; where the students inquire about Colombian organizations and product of the topics developed in the classroom, academic proposals are generated in terms of the human talent future scenarios where it shows its differential through the people. Thus, a methodology is described to update documents or philosophical elements in companies and propose strategies that impact human talent.

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