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What Urban Nightlife Feels Like: Atmospheric Narratives and Public Spaces

What Urban Nightlife Feels Like: Atmospheric Narratives and Public Spaces

Irina Igorevna Oznobikhina
ISBN13: 9781799870043|ISBN10: 1799870049|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799870050|EISBN13: 9781799870067
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7004-3.ch004
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Oznobikhina, Irina Igorevna. "What Urban Nightlife Feels Like: Atmospheric Narratives and Public Spaces." Transforming Urban Nightlife and the Development of Smart Public Spaces, edited by Hisham Abusaada, et al., IGI Global, 2021, pp. 40-53.


Oznobikhina, I. I. (2021). What Urban Nightlife Feels Like: Atmospheric Narratives and Public Spaces. In H. Abusaada, A. Elshater, & D. Rodwell (Eds.), Transforming Urban Nightlife and the Development of Smart Public Spaces (pp. 40-53). IGI Global.


Oznobikhina, Irina Igorevna. "What Urban Nightlife Feels Like: Atmospheric Narratives and Public Spaces." In Transforming Urban Nightlife and the Development of Smart Public Spaces, edited by Hisham Abusaada, Abeer Elshater, and Dennis Rodwell, 40-53. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.

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The chapter focuses on the various-level experience of space of urban nightlife applying the concept of atmospheres and uncovering the mutual dependence between atmosphere and place to examine the influence of technological progress drawing to the cases of two cities: Moscow and Copenhagen. It also aims to analyse the controversial issue of the collective perception of atmospheres within the urban culture of nightlife and explore the interaffective characteristics of different locations, mainly clubs, turning to musical nostalgia as an illustrating example.

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