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Generation Z's Media Use and Preferences as a Foundation for a Destination Media Planning Process

Generation Z's Media Use and Preferences as a Foundation for a Destination Media Planning Process

Andrijana Kos Kavran, Daniel Herman
ISBN13: 9781799871927|ISBN10: 1799871924|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799871934|EISBN13: 9781799871941
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7192-7.ch016
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Kavran, Andrijana Kos, and Daniel Herman. "Generation Z's Media Use and Preferences as a Foundation for a Destination Media Planning Process." Handbook of Research on IoT, Digital Transformation, and the Future of Global Marketing, edited by Hatem El-Gohary, et al., IGI Global, 2021, pp. 272-301.


Kavran, A. K. & Herman, D. (2021). Generation Z's Media Use and Preferences as a Foundation for a Destination Media Planning Process. In H. El-Gohary, D. Edwards, & M. Ben Mimoun (Eds.), Handbook of Research on IoT, Digital Transformation, and the Future of Global Marketing (pp. 272-301). IGI Global.


Kavran, Andrijana Kos, and Daniel Herman. "Generation Z's Media Use and Preferences as a Foundation for a Destination Media Planning Process." In Handbook of Research on IoT, Digital Transformation, and the Future of Global Marketing, edited by Hatem El-Gohary, David Edwards, and Mohamed Slim Ben Mimoun, 272-301. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.

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The purpose of this chapter is to explore the media use and preferences of Generation Z as a foundation for destination media planning. This chapter used a quantitative method with a questionnaire used as primary data source with a sample of 299 respondents. Data were analysed using descriptive statistic method. The results showed that the majority of Generation Z uses and prefers online media while at the same time offline media shouldn't be ignored. This chapter provides recommendations for the destination marketing organizations (DMOs) and media planners to better understand the media habits of Generation Z to use them as a valuable input for destination media planning.

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