Pwning Noobs for Fun and Profit: eSports and Entrepreneurship

Pwning Noobs for Fun and Profit: eSports and Entrepreneurship

Timothy B. Michael, Melissa A. Williams
ISBN13: 9781799873006|ISBN10: 1799873005|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799873013|EISBN13: 9781799873020
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7300-6.ch003
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Michael, Timothy B., and Melissa A. Williams. "Pwning Noobs for Fun and Profit: eSports and Entrepreneurship." Handbook of Research on Pathways and Opportunities Into the Business of Esports, edited by Sharon Andrews and Caroline M. Crawford, IGI Global, 2021, pp. 47-66.


Michael, T. B. & Williams, M. A. (2021). Pwning Noobs for Fun and Profit: eSports and Entrepreneurship. In S. Andrews & C. Crawford (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Pathways and Opportunities Into the Business of Esports (pp. 47-66). IGI Global.


Michael, Timothy B., and Melissa A. Williams. "Pwning Noobs for Fun and Profit: eSports and Entrepreneurship." In Handbook of Research on Pathways and Opportunities Into the Business of Esports, edited by Sharon Andrews and Caroline M. Crawford, 47-66. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.

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The last decade has seen tremendous growth in the use of social media, and online gaming has embraced streaming, allowing for more and more spectators each year. Streaming can generate viewership and ultimately revenue for more accomplished gamers. Individuals can stream live and record their exploits across a variety of gaming experiences, and this provides an opportunity for eSports athletes to turn their hobby into a growing source of income. In addition, elite players can find national or global sponsorships and contribute to charities on the basis of gaming tournaments and worldwide events. The landscape for creating entrepreneurship opportunities is developing over time. This chapter discusses the practical considerations for building a business around game streaming, sponsorship, and competition. The chapter should be beneficial for both beginning and accomplished gamers.

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