Student Perspectives on Business Education in the USA: Current Attitudes and Necessary Changes in an Age of Disruption

Student Perspectives on Business Education in the USA: Current Attitudes and Necessary Changes in an Age of Disruption

Ben Christopher Brookbanks
ISBN13: 9781799875482|ISBN10: 1799875482|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799875499|EISBN13: 9781799875505
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7548-2.ch011
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Brookbanks, Ben Christopher. "Student Perspectives on Business Education in the USA: Current Attitudes and Necessary Changes in an Age of Disruption." Global Trends, Dynamics, and Imperatives for Strategic Development in Business Education in an Age of Disruption, edited by Anatoly Zhuplev and Robert Koepp, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 214-231.


Brookbanks, B. C. (2022). Student Perspectives on Business Education in the USA: Current Attitudes and Necessary Changes in an Age of Disruption. In A. Zhuplev & R. Koepp (Eds.), Global Trends, Dynamics, and Imperatives for Strategic Development in Business Education in an Age of Disruption (pp. 214-231). IGI Global.


Brookbanks, Ben Christopher. "Student Perspectives on Business Education in the USA: Current Attitudes and Necessary Changes in an Age of Disruption." In Global Trends, Dynamics, and Imperatives for Strategic Development in Business Education in an Age of Disruption, edited by Anatoly Zhuplev and Robert Koepp, 214-231. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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This chapter examines the academic and personal trajectory a student takes from before they ever set a foot on campus to beyond a college degree. By first assessing the private vs. public school dynamics in Southern California, the author documents the ways in which these systems are a reaction to the American college system, and how the prevailing psyche around college as being an ultimate end for students and their parents plays out. Reflecting on personal choices and circumstances unique to the individual yields a variety of challenges and benefits posed by pursuing a college degree, all of which influence what to study and where to pursue it. Influences range from relative income to geographical location and parental occupation. Through an examination of these elements, the relative importance and weight of a college degree in light of developments accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic leaves the collegiate system and the students who are at the center of it in an unparalleled position.

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