US Dependance on Chinese Pharma in the Pandemic Era and the Nationalization of the US System

US Dependance on Chinese Pharma in the Pandemic Era and the Nationalization of the US System

Paolo Bongarzoni, Adriano Ferri
ISBN13: 9781799889960|ISBN10: 1799889963|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799889977|EISBN13: 9781799889984
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8996-0.ch012
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Bongarzoni, Paolo, and Adriano Ferri. "US Dependance on Chinese Pharma in the Pandemic Era and the Nationalization of the US System." Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Studies on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment, edited by Mika Markus Merviö, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 204-218.


Bongarzoni, P. & Ferri, A. (2022). US Dependance on Chinese Pharma in the Pandemic Era and the Nationalization of the US System. In M. Merviö (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Studies on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment (pp. 204-218). IGI Global.


Bongarzoni, Paolo, and Adriano Ferri. "US Dependance on Chinese Pharma in the Pandemic Era and the Nationalization of the US System." In Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Studies on Healthcare, Culture, and the Environment, edited by Mika Markus Merviö, 204-218. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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The severe impact of the coronavirus pandemic has indeed prompted several questions about economic and social security. Among them is placed the current concern about the possible nationalization of the U.S. pharmaceutical industry due to the fear of a possible generic drug shortages. More importantly, since the United States imports most of its drugs from other countries (e.g., China), is the impact of Covid-19 on the pharmaceutical industry the catalyst for a future nationalization for the U.S. pharmaceutical industry? Are there real reasons to support this prospect, or is it an old argument renewed by fear?

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