Graduate Un/Employment in Turkey: A Holistic Entrepreneurship Strategy to Increase Employment and Reduce Unemployment

Graduate Un/Employment in Turkey: A Holistic Entrepreneurship Strategy to Increase Employment and Reduce Unemployment

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 23
ISBN13: 9781799895817|ISBN10: 1799895815|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799895824|EISBN13: 9781799895831
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9581-7.ch014
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Kalaycı, İrfan. "Graduate Un/Employment in Turkey: A Holistic Entrepreneurship Strategy to Increase Employment and Reduce Unemployment." Promoting Entrepreneurship to Reduce Graduate Unemployment, edited by Isaac Wasswa Katono, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 284-306.


Kalaycı, İ. (2022). Graduate Un/Employment in Turkey: A Holistic Entrepreneurship Strategy to Increase Employment and Reduce Unemployment. In I. Katono (Ed.), Promoting Entrepreneurship to Reduce Graduate Unemployment (pp. 284-306). IGI Global.


Kalaycı, İrfan. "Graduate Un/Employment in Turkey: A Holistic Entrepreneurship Strategy to Increase Employment and Reduce Unemployment." In Promoting Entrepreneurship to Reduce Graduate Unemployment, edited by Isaac Wasswa Katono, 284-306. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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The subject and aim of this study are to examine the problem of globalizing graduate employment/unemployment and the holistic entrepreneurship strategy against this problem in the axis of Turkey. Two types of methods were followed here: First, as a method of thought, the “deductive” path was followed, since the focus was on specific graduate unemployment instead of the general unemployment problem and the solution based solely on graduate entrepreneurship instead of general employment entrepreneurship. Secondly, as a research method, with the help of official statistical data and literature, the problem and solution (i.e., diagnosis and treatment) were described and parsed-synthesized. One of the expected results from this study is to introduce the Turkish dimension of the graduate labor market and entrepreneurship problem to the world; the other is to emphasize global cooperation to tackle the problem of graduate unemployment.

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