Social Media Reputation, Corporate Reputation: Social Media Risks on Corporate Reputation and Precautions

Social Media Reputation, Corporate Reputation: Social Media Risks on Corporate Reputation and Precautions

Kevser Zeynep Meral
ISBN13: 9781799897903|ISBN10: 1799897907|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799897910|EISBN13: 9781799897927
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9790-3.ch014
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Meral, Kevser Zeynep. "Social Media Reputation, Corporate Reputation: Social Media Risks on Corporate Reputation and Precautions." Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations, edited by José Gabriel Andrade and Teresa Ruão, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 245-270.


Meral, K. Z. (2022). Social Media Reputation, Corporate Reputation: Social Media Risks on Corporate Reputation and Precautions. In J. Andrade & T. Ruão (Eds.), Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations (pp. 245-270). IGI Global.


Meral, Kevser Zeynep. "Social Media Reputation, Corporate Reputation: Social Media Risks on Corporate Reputation and Precautions." In Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations, edited by José Gabriel Andrade and Teresa Ruão, 245-270. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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Corporates create and protect their corporate reputation and identities through social media. At the same time, they use internal (like meeting with zoom) and external communication methods via social media along with marketing through social media. However, they face the risk of destroying their corporate reputation via social media. Social media and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. have become essential communication tools with the customers and affect corporates' reputation as well. This study aims to explain the role and risks of social media on the corporate reputations via literature review. Results show that institutions need to know how to use social media tools very well in order to create and protect their reputation. Corporates need managers and social media specialists who know how to use social media and how to avoid the potential risks of social media.

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