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Providing Teacher Certification and Professional Development Programs

Providing Teacher Certification and Professional Development Programs

Rebecca Grace Lawver
ISBN13: 9781668434208|ISBN10: 1668434202|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668434215|EISBN13: 9781668434222
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3420-8.ch014
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Lawver, Rebecca Grace. "Providing Teacher Certification and Professional Development Programs." Preparing Agriculture and Agriscience Educators for the Classroom, edited by Andrew C. Thoron and R. Kirby Barrick, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 268-286.


Lawver, R. G. (2022). Providing Teacher Certification and Professional Development Programs. In A. Thoron & R. Barrick (Eds.), Preparing Agriculture and Agriscience Educators for the Classroom (pp. 268-286). IGI Global.


Lawver, Rebecca Grace. "Providing Teacher Certification and Professional Development Programs." In Preparing Agriculture and Agriscience Educators for the Classroom, edited by Andrew C. Thoron and R. Kirby Barrick, 268-286. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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Agriculture teacher preparation programs, whether traditional or lateral entry, should prepare school-based agriculture teachers with the technical content, pedagogical knowledge, and professional skills to be successful educators in the classroom. This chapter explores the preparation of agriculture and agriscience educators for the classroom through an overview of the types of teacher certification options, describing the components of an agriculture teacher preparation program, including the Standards for School-Based Agricultural Teacher Preparation, exploring opportunities for agriculture teacher professional development, and investigating opportunities to enhance teaching excellence and technical skill enhancement through systematic needs assessment.

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