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Reconciliatory Pedagogies: Embodying Our Walk as Settler Teachers in Canadian High Schools

Reconciliatory Pedagogies: Embodying Our Walk as Settler Teachers in Canadian High Schools

ISBN13: 9781668434253|ISBN10: 1668434253|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668434260|EISBN13: 9781668434277
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3425-3.ch009
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Keith, Erin, and Krista LaRue Keeley. "Reconciliatory Pedagogies: Embodying Our Walk as Settler Teachers in Canadian High Schools." Perspectives on Indigenous Pedagogy in Education: Learning From One Another, edited by Sheila Cote-Meek and Taima Moeke-Pickering, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 193-214.


Keith, E. & Keeley, K. L. (2023). Reconciliatory Pedagogies: Embodying Our Walk as Settler Teachers in Canadian High Schools. In S. Cote-Meek & T. Moeke-Pickering (Eds.), Perspectives on Indigenous Pedagogy in Education: Learning From One Another (pp. 193-214). IGI Global.


Keith, Erin, and Krista LaRue Keeley. "Reconciliatory Pedagogies: Embodying Our Walk as Settler Teachers in Canadian High Schools." In Perspectives on Indigenous Pedagogy in Education: Learning From One Another, edited by Sheila Cote-Meek and Taima Moeke-Pickering, 193-214. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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Two Canadian settler teachers explore the intention and iterative, enduring process of reconciliation in high school classrooms through storytelling of their own lived experiences. They respectfully ‘call-in' other settler teachers who may feel paralyzed for fear of appropriation and the heaviness of this reconciliatory work. Weaving in how the 5Rs have guided the two teachers' journeys toward incorporating Indigenous pedagogies into their praxis and suggesting how these principles could support other settler educators who are beginning their decolonization journey, an Interwoven Living Framework that illuminates their learning ‘from' is developed. The framework is grounded in actionizing the 5Rs through the critical work of listening to, learning from, working, and walking with First Peoples. Using narratives, the teachers story their “walk” inspired by the words of an Indigenous student from their class, Poppy. They share a place to begin towards truly understanding how to become an entrusted Indigenous ally-to-be and how to actionize this collective work in high school landscapes.

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