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Modeling Inclusive Education in Urban Schools

Modeling Inclusive Education in Urban Schools

Jabulani Mpofu
ISBN13: 9781668444368|ISBN10: 1668444364|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668444405|EISBN13: 9781668444375
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4436-8.ch021
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Mpofu, Jabulani. "Modeling Inclusive Education in Urban Schools." Handbook of Research on Creating Spaces for African Epistemologies in the Inclusive Education Discourse, edited by Mbulaheni Obert Maguvhe and Mfundo Mandla Masuku, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 274-289.


Mpofu, J. (2022). Modeling Inclusive Education in Urban Schools. In M. Maguvhe & M. Masuku (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Creating Spaces for African Epistemologies in the Inclusive Education Discourse (pp. 274-289). IGI Global.


Mpofu, Jabulani. "Modeling Inclusive Education in Urban Schools." In Handbook of Research on Creating Spaces for African Epistemologies in the Inclusive Education Discourse, edited by Mbulaheni Obert Maguvhe and Mfundo Mandla Masuku, 274-289. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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Over the last few decades, advances and innovations in the field of disability and disability supports have resulted in changes in the way in which disability is understood and conceptualised. These changes, which embrace a person-environment fit model of disability, have obvious implications for disability supports and research. Within such conceptualizations, more attention must be given to the interaction between people with disability and the environments in which they live, learn, work, and play. As such, there has been increased attention on the rights of people with disabilities to be fully included in their communities and to the importance of self-determination, participation, and quality of life. This emphasis also underscores the importance of inclusive education in creating learning spaces for children with disabilities. This chapter explores what is inclusive education in an African context and outlines a good model of inclusive education schools in an urban setting from an African philosophy of Ubuntu.

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