Relating Digital Active Methodologies and Inter-, Multi-, and Trans-Disciplinary Perspectives: Challenges Not Answering Modern Educational Demands

Relating Digital Active Methodologies and Inter-, Multi-, and Trans-Disciplinary Perspectives: Challenges Not Answering Modern Educational Demands

George Leal Jamil
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 28
ISBN13: 9781668447062|ISBN10: 1668447061|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668447109|EISBN13: 9781668447079
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4706-2.ch002
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Jamil, George Leal. "Relating Digital Active Methodologies and Inter-, Multi-, and Trans-Disciplinary Perspectives: Challenges Not Answering Modern Educational Demands." Digital Active Methodologies for Educative Learning Management, edited by Nuno Geada and George Leal Jamil, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 19-46.


Jamil, G. L. (2022). Relating Digital Active Methodologies and Inter-, Multi-, and Trans-Disciplinary Perspectives: Challenges Not Answering Modern Educational Demands. In N. Geada & G. Jamil (Eds.), Digital Active Methodologies for Educative Learning Management (pp. 19-46). IGI Global.


Jamil, George Leal. "Relating Digital Active Methodologies and Inter-, Multi-, and Trans-Disciplinary Perspectives: Challenges Not Answering Modern Educational Demands." In Digital Active Methodologies for Educative Learning Management, edited by Nuno Geada and George Leal Jamil, 19-46. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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Active methodologies are proposed to allow, through social students' engagement, a new way to improve educational activities, resulting in a productive and continuous scenario where knowledge is communitarely shared. Answering social demands for a more inclusive education, the market sector, composed of public and private organizations, is enhancing the adoption of active methodologies. As in any action like these, there is a risk of focus loss, aiming more to the technologies applied than to the educational process itself. This chapter proposes a study of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity paradigms as a source of thinking to support educational planning to adopt active methodologies, offering a robust way to plan their practice. Emerging technologies support, as resources which can favor the introductions of active methodologies are also evaluated, as they also offer a risk for planning when thought as the final objectives of these educational plans, instead of the indisputable social results of education.

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