Automotive Industry Challenges: Crises, Disruptions, and Taxes

Automotive Industry Challenges: Crises, Disruptions, and Taxes

Ulas Akkucuk
ISBN13: 9781668458761|ISBN10: 1668458764|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668458778|EISBN13: 9781668458785
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5876-1.ch017
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Akkucuk, Ulas. "Automotive Industry Challenges: Crises, Disruptions, and Taxes." Managing Inflation and Supply Chain Disruptions in the Global Economy, edited by Ulas Akkucuk, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 268-280.


Akkucuk, U. (2023). Automotive Industry Challenges: Crises, Disruptions, and Taxes. In U. Akkucuk (Ed.), Managing Inflation and Supply Chain Disruptions in the Global Economy (pp. 268-280). IGI Global.


Akkucuk, Ulas. "Automotive Industry Challenges: Crises, Disruptions, and Taxes." In Managing Inflation and Supply Chain Disruptions in the Global Economy, edited by Ulas Akkucuk, 268-280. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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The automotive sector is one of the important sectors in both the developed world and the developing countries. For developing countries, this industry is a course of income coming from export models. For the developed nations, the automotive sector can create quality jobs and offer after-sales and service job opportunities as well. The automotive industry was challenged during the COVID-19 pandemic as shortages for some parts halted production in different parts of the world. Also, sales of automobiles increased in some parts due to commuters avoiding mass transit in fear of the pandemic. Tax collection is also another issue associated with this industry. In some countries, heavy taxes are levied on the vehicles with some possible drawbacks. This chapter will talk about the causes and remedies for the disruptions in the supply chain. The issue of taxation will also be discussed offering some possible solutions. Green energy and public transportation will be offered as remedies to the problems of the industry and the more general problem of global warming.

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