The Role of Women Leadership in Environmental Management

The Role of Women Leadership in Environmental Management

ISBN13: 9781668459867|ISBN10: 1668459868|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668459874|EISBN13: 9781668459881
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5986-7.ch003
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Kakade, Kiran Shrimant, et al. "The Role of Women Leadership in Environmental Management." Opportunities and Challenges for Women Leaders in Environmental Management, edited by Perfecto Gatbonton Aquino, Jr., et al., IGI Global, 2024, pp. 31-49.


Kakade, K. S., Kulkarni, A. M., & Naik, K. R. (2024). The Role of Women Leadership in Environmental Management. In P. Aquino, Jr., R. Jalagat, Jr., & M. Justin (Eds.), Opportunities and Challenges for Women Leaders in Environmental Management (pp. 31-49). IGI Global.


Kakade, Kiran Shrimant, Anjali M. Kulkarni, and Kasturi R. Naik. "The Role of Women Leadership in Environmental Management." In Opportunities and Challenges for Women Leaders in Environmental Management, edited by Perfecto Gatbonton Aquino, Jr., Revenio Cabanilla Jalagat, Jr., and Mercia Selva Malar Justin, 31-49. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2024.

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Women provide environmental management with unique perspectives, skills, and talents that help improve sustainability and conservation. This chapter examines women's unique position in environmental management, emphasising the various disciplines in which they participate and the valuable contributions they make. Women must participate in environmental decision-making processes for long-lasting outcomes. They frequently value long-term environmental sustainability, social equality, and neighborhood well-being highly. Women are better equipped than men to manage complex environmental issues holistically, considering interrelated social, economic, and ecological factors. This chapter reviews the research on women's environmental leadership in environmental management, makes policy recommendations for possible government initiatives to increase the representation of women in environmental decision-making, and identifies areas for additional data collection and research.

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