Foucauldian-Feminist Reading of Mo Yan's Select Novels

Foucauldian-Feminist Reading of Mo Yan's Select Novels

ISBN13: 9781668465721|ISBN10: 1668465728|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668465738|EISBN13: 9781668465745
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6572-1.ch009
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Aaradhana. "Foucauldian-Feminist Reading of Mo Yan's Select Novels." Exploring Gender Studies and Feminism Through Literature and Media, edited by Gyanabati Khuraijam, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 79-95.


Aaradhana. (2022). Foucauldian-Feminist Reading of Mo Yan's Select Novels. In G. Khuraijam (Ed.), Exploring Gender Studies and Feminism Through Literature and Media (pp. 79-95). IGI Global.


Aaradhana. "Foucauldian-Feminist Reading of Mo Yan's Select Novels." In Exploring Gender Studies and Feminism Through Literature and Media, edited by Gyanabati Khuraijam, 79-95. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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With his imaginative and humanistic fiction, Mo Yan has shed light on numerous social and political issues prevalent in Chinese society during the 20th century. Alongside his political narratives, he has remarkably represented women's roles and treatment, where gender hierarchy is evident. Moreover, to satirise the patriarchal society, Mo Yan has boldly designed his female characters to overshadow their male counterparts. The present study explores the systemic subjugation of women depicted in the novels and how some female characters actively resisted them. The issue of sexual violence during the war period in China will also be examined as the selected novels portray the cultural and historical experience during the series of civil and national wars. To comprehend and examine these issues, the theoretical framework of Michael Foucault will be applied. His discourse on power relations will be used as a medium to explore the problems mentioned above.

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