AnimoSpace LMS Transcending Physical Learning Barriers

AnimoSpace LMS Transcending Physical Learning Barriers

ISBN13: 9781668468685|ISBN10: 1668468689|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369300862|EISBN13: 9781668468692
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6868-5.ch012
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Gonzales Flores, Rozanne Tuesday, and Ethel C. Ong. "AnimoSpace LMS Transcending Physical Learning Barriers." Handbook of Research on Advancing Equity and Inclusion Through Educational Technology, edited by Paula Escudeiro, et al., IGI Global, 2023, pp. 239-262.


Gonzales Flores, R. T. & Ong, E. C. (2023). AnimoSpace LMS Transcending Physical Learning Barriers. In P. Escudeiro, N. Escudeiro, & O. Bernardes (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advancing Equity and Inclusion Through Educational Technology (pp. 239-262). IGI Global.


Gonzales Flores, Rozanne Tuesday, and Ethel C. Ong. "AnimoSpace LMS Transcending Physical Learning Barriers." In Handbook of Research on Advancing Equity and Inclusion Through Educational Technology, edited by Paula Escudeiro, Nuno Escudeiro, and Oscar Bernardes, 239-262. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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This chapter employed qualitative and case study approaches to elicit valuable insights from De La Salle University tertiary teachers' use of digital educational technology and AnimoSpace in addressing the challenges posed by online learning environments and the issues of equity and inclusion. Analysis of interviews and AnimoSpace statistical data was conducted through the lens of the task-technology fit perspective outlining the tasks and roles teachers perform in the online environment and the characteristics of AnimoSpace. Findings revealed that similar tasks and roles were performed when teaching and learning were shifted online. AnimoSpace and other digital technology fostered equity and inclusion in the online learning environment. However, additional roles/role changes were uncovered, specifically Technologist, Basic Troubleshooter, Instructional Designer, and Alternative Assessor. In addition, the lack of cost-effective or free proctoring tools compelled teachers to seek alternative forms of assessment to measure learning outcomes.

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