Reimagining Teacher Education in the United States

Reimagining Teacher Education in the United States

ISBN13: 9781668473276|ISBN10: 1668473275|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668473313|EISBN13: 9781668473283
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7327-6.ch007
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Ceglie, Robert John, et al. "Reimagining Teacher Education in the United States." Improving Higher Education Models Through International Comparative Analysis, edited by Valerie A. Storey and Thomas E. Beeman, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 109-132.


Ceglie, R. J., Thornburg, A. W., Abernathy, D. F., & Conway, C. S. (2023). Reimagining Teacher Education in the United States. In V. Storey & T. Beeman (Eds.), Improving Higher Education Models Through International Comparative Analysis (pp. 109-132). IGI Global.


Ceglie, Robert John, et al. "Reimagining Teacher Education in the United States." In Improving Higher Education Models Through International Comparative Analysis, edited by Valerie A. Storey and Thomas E. Beeman, 109-132. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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The preparation of highly qualified teachers is one of the most important factors when considering the education of our children. Teacher preparation programs are largely responsible for teacher training and are therefore in a key position to lead the profession to ensure teachers are equipped with the best, most relevant and effective theory, practices, and strategies. In this chapter, it is argued that we are at an important juncture in the training of future teachers. As such, the chapter presents several areas that a reimagined teacher preparation program should focus on. It explores the important roles in teacher licensure, focuses on teaching for diversity, explores new recruitment and retention practices for teachers and changes needed in curriculum as well as how all of these can have a positive impact future of teacher education programs.

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