Beyond the “Real Americans”: The Case for Expanding Our Vision of Rurality in the United States

Beyond the “Real Americans”: The Case for Expanding Our Vision of Rurality in the United States

Jarrett D. Moore
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 12
ISBN13: 9781668474372|ISBN10: 1668474379|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668474419|EISBN13: 9781668474389
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7437-2.ch001
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Moore, Jarrett D. "Beyond the “Real Americans”: The Case for Expanding Our Vision of Rurality in the United States." Expanding the Vision of Rurality in the US Educational System, edited by Louise M. Yoho and Jarrett Moore, IGI Global, 2023, pp. 1-12.


Moore, J. D. (2023). Beyond the “Real Americans”: The Case for Expanding Our Vision of Rurality in the United States. In L. Yoho & J. Moore (Eds.), Expanding the Vision of Rurality in the US Educational System (pp. 1-12). IGI Global.


Moore, Jarrett D. "Beyond the “Real Americans”: The Case for Expanding Our Vision of Rurality in the United States." In Expanding the Vision of Rurality in the US Educational System, edited by Louise M. Yoho and Jarrett Moore, 1-12. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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This chapter explores several specific areas of rural schooling and education that are ripe for new research. Positing a regionally defined rurality within a larger rural identity, the chapter focuses on language and discourse in analyzing national narratives regarding rural communities. Agency in research for Native communities and delving deeper into masculinity and sexuality in rural communities are also considered as ways to integrate more diverse communities into the rural research lens. Qualitative, descriptive research is posited as a well-suited research method to address the new directions in research.

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